Design your ideal infantry weapon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Prudentia

    a new grenade.
    currently every class has access to the standard frag grenade and 2 special grenades.
    infil: EMP and Decoy
    LA: Flash and Smoke
    CM: Rez and Heal
    HA: AV and Conc
    Eng: Sticky and....
    oh one is missing :eek:
    the destruction grenade:
    uses the same animation and code as the healing grenade.
    just in red and with damage to Infantry and vehicles. basicly a throwable painfield like it ia currently in all the spawnrooms.
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  2. DeadlyShoe

    I would love more scifi guns in our scifi game.

    "Heavy Lasher" - VS

    Like the Lasher, but with high-per shot damage, very low ROF, and far more emphasis on the lash effect. Slower orbs too. Built for clearing doorways.

    "Singularity Projector" - VS

    More room clearance :)

    One-shot Charge-up rocket launcher replacement that projects a singularity to the target point. The singularity is a heavy DOT over a wide area. It should only really be a threat to people who are already badly injured or shield less, but regardless players will have to leave its immediate vicinity.

    "Flechette Accelerator" - NC

    Sniper rifle?

    Shoots darts that penetrate personal shielding entirely and goes straight to health. Highly ineffective against nanoweave. Silent by nature. Poor range owing to low projectile velocity.

    "Vulcan MANA Turret" - TR

    Mana turret that mounts a light Vulcan :)

    Poor performance at range, but good damage against all targets and short reload cycle. ?No shield?
  3. Hotel88A

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  4. AdmiralArcher

    you had me going for a second clever little devil,

    but just to answer for fun, other guns in real life have 2 ''charging'' handles, such as the MP5, and maybe the FN2k?
    but i like your answer still makes more sense than plasma, railguns, and 5 foot long LMGs
  5. AdmiralArcher


    that episode was scaryas****!
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  6. AdmiralArcher


    it was destiny
  7. AdmiralArcher

    would it be possible to have a player studio for guns? or maybe have a contest for gun designs? doesnt have to be fully modeled working guns but maybe just concept art? or maybe fully modeled? digital extremes has done it in the past and there has been some cool stuff, perhaps SOE could try it? winner gets name engraved on the gun model? or a custom decal?

    oooo hey,.....theres an idea.....decals for guns.....?
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  8. Craeshen

    Name: whatever fits
    Rof: 850 rpm
    Magazine: 75 rounds
    Damage: 143
    Acc.: mediocre
    2x holo sight

    Hitting B activates 2ndary fire mode which fires class specific ammo types:

    Eng: wall spike auto turrets
    Heavy Assault: Deployable shield recharger limited life span
    Medic: Shield Sapper
    Light Assault: Anchor with chain attached.
    Infiltrator: Disco Ball and strobe lights
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  9. Tuco

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  10. Equal2

    You stole my idea.

    SInce maxes are realy strong id like to see a real counter like a melta gun.
    AKA close range crazy vehicle dmg though id like it to have a bit longer range then shotgun.(but hard to use/hit)

    Maybe a mag with 3-6 bullets and a mag would kill a max or to atleast 10% hp.(6 shots with a 3 burst option)
    Realy slow muzzle velocity and an insane bullet drop.(shoots blobs of lava)
    Maybe some dmg over time after the initial dmg.
    Fire rate should be somewhat fast.

    Could also be very effective if you sneak up on a tank with a couple of guys.
  11. Edenwolf

    An NC railgun that is rifle size, acts like a battle rifle that is slow firing but hits hard and can deal damage to vehicles including tanks. This gun has a 1-2 second wind up each round, here are the stats:
  12. Nephi1im

    Don't want to seem like a negative nancy, but how about some bolt action snipers with a smidge of variation?

    Name: Not cookie cutter 700 cert rifle
    Velocity: Same or +/- 50 RPM as current 700 cert BASRs
    ROF: Similar to BASRs
    Magazine: 10 rounds (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN)
    Damage: 700 or whatever is enough to HS all infantry 1HK
    Acc.: sniper.... obviously

    In addition to my SUPER unique 10 round BASR, I'd pay 10,000 certs or maybe some cash for a straight pull bolt. Hell, even if you make it lower the ROF of the gun as an attachment, I'd drool due to not losing every ounce of target acquisition I ever had.... ever.
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  13. Maljas23

    It is similar to the Trac 5 S in the sense that it is medicore actual gunfighting, as well as the underbarrel attachments. The thing that made the Punisher a favorite in PS1 was the number of different types of secondary "grenades" you could use with it.

    Thinking about it this way, the Trac 5 S can now serve this purpose if they decide to add any of the special type of underbarrel "grenades" back from PS1.

    ... It also looks cool.
  14. Edenwolf

    Sorry about double post, time ran out to edit.

    An NC railgun that is LMG sized, acts like a battle rifle that is slow firing but hits hard and can deal light damage to heavy vehicles. This gun has a 1-2 second wind up each round, has high velocity and no bullet drop up to 150 meters, here are the stats:

    damager under 15 feet: 500
    damager after 150 feet: 350
    rate of fire: 30-60 rounds per minute
    ammo: 8 in clip, 40 back up
    velocity: 650
    reload speed: 5.6/4.8 seconds
    Semi auto.
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  15. Lamat

    it would be like a pump shotgun shooting a blast of super heated plasma doing decimator like damage out to 15-20m. There are no bullets so the damage actually stops at its range like a flame shaped blast bubble.
  16. SpaceKing

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  17. Equal2

    yeah thats just how i would like it to work.

    But however its made id like a melta gun.
  18. Nerovox

    Mounted on a pre nerfed Harasser please!:cool:
  19. KnightCole

    More like new turret for a Lightning.
  20. dBMachine

    This game needs more meelee weapons to replace the knife.

    VS: lightsabre
    TR: 'civil war style' military sabre
    NC: baseball bat

    Or a grenade launcher that shoots bouncing grenades.
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