Design your ideal infantry weapon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Flashtirade

    A mic-and-speaker system that the enemy can hear. I will use it to demorailze my foes by constantly mocking their not-blue, not-blocky armor and their inability to appreciate dadrock.
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  2. Phazaar

    Bottom right hand corner. The rest is just to help you recognise.[IMG]
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  3. furrywaffle

    I'd like a low rpm weapon that kills in 2 shots close and 3 shots far. A lot like the scar h in mw2.
  4. Hatesphere

    Man I used to love jump boots insta-gib low grav matches for a good laugh.
  5. NikkoJT

    I want a high-accuracy, high-velocity rifle for LAs. Ideally it should be semi-auto and fire about as fast as the Warden, but maybe do a little less damage for balance.
    Basically, I want to not be screwed when I get caught in an open field, and also be able to take advantage of the lovely sniping spots LAs can get into.
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  6. Predator01cz


    Applies to all your render distance.
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  7. Klypto

    Planetside 2 version of the M1 Garand
  8. Zorro

    That would be the semi-automatic close-range sniper rifle.
  9. Prudentia

    how about we change the weapons currently ingame to be diverse instead of versatile (aka OP) before we implement more versatile weapons?
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  10. NC_agent00kevin

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  11. reydelchicken

    Nothing feels better than this weapon.
    Too bad the lasher now fires balls, I was exited to play as vanu until I found out I would have no lg :(
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  12. LectraWyraph

    I've always wanted a saw blade launcher, just cause it'd be such a terrifying weapon, no other reasons, nothing to do with practicality or anything else. I guess in theory it would be like a cross between an SMG, and an auto shotgun. It would have more range than a shotgun but less than an SMG, and in turn it would do less damage than shotguns, doing a three shot kill to the body instead, but firing automatically... And since it was a saw, it'd go through enemy infantry after shooting them, potentially going through multiple infantry.

    Yeah it may not be the best or most practical weapon perhaps, but something would be epic about how scary it would be. To balance it out, it could be absolutely devastating against infantry, but weak or useless against MAXes and vehicles, I think it''d make sense that a saw would do horrific damage to organic targets, but be weak vs other targets.


    It'd look... Roughly like that, but with way less terrible artistic skill. (Yes I made that myself, a while ago I got rather bored, and wanted to draw a concept I had of a saw blade launcher).
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  13. Javelin6

    No one wanted this?

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  14. Spartan101

    This need to be the TR's heavy weapon.

    With both primary and secondary firing modes. :D
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  15. AdmiralArcher

    guys, just go to deviant art and look for cool guns, like these ones, none are mine, btw


    TR carbine maybe? sleek lines and the sights make sense

    NC railgun maybe? 250 dmg plus splash? 400 ROF?

    NS main weapon grenade launcher? or maybe it could replace your rocket launcher on your heavy?


    VS pulse rifle? maybe? low damage low travel time 125 dmg, and look, it even runs on batteries :D
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  16. MuNrOe

  17. applepienation



    Beta Rocket-pods.
  18. Paperlamp


    Hehehehehe. Skill weapon.

    Imagine the rage.
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  19. SpruceMoose

    mount it on my flash plz
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  20. KnightCole

    EM-8 Kodiak LMG (M60 Looking NC LMG)

    Nation: NC Only

    .52 Vert Recoil
    .2 Horiz Recoil
    FSM: 1.65x

    Speed Mult: x0.5 ADS

    Ammo: 100/300

    All Optics, Compensator, Hand Grip, Laser, Flashlight(lol), Flash Suppressor.