Design it! Your perfect PS2 vehicle!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RasFW, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Robes

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  2. Epic High Five

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  3. Kataclysmic

    Here is food for thought:
    We got continents right? what separates continents? ocean's~!!!
    How about some sea warfare, we got the air, we got the ground, we got the infantry to fight over lets say NS oil derks!!
    So any ideas for ships? submarines? landingcraft? carriers even?!
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  4. Pikachu

    There's something cute about those old PS1 terran robots. :3
  5. Ryekir

    I love this idea, but it makes more sense to be to have it be 1 person only (if you need a passenger, use a flash), and 200 resources sounds excessive for something with no weapons and only used to get from point A to point B (50-100 resources).

    Perhaps there could also be an optional side-car that could be added to carry a passenger, but it would also reduce the speed/acceleration of the bike, and could allow the passenger to fire their weapons like the flash rumble seat.
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  6. VonStalin

    The most important for me would be physics, how it drives. It should be fast, loud, but harmless. I can imagine entire squad on dirt bikes rushing to the next facility in the cloud of dust. That would look awesome.
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  7. RobotNinja

    I would never play any faction but VS if they had this for their ATV:
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  8. CommandoKain

    Yup its the Vanu's Turn!! Troop carrier Idea!



    Ok... Same Same Crews 2 Hold's 8 for total of 10 Personal ! And yes It Hovers to but this time the Turret Turns all the way around..

    Primary weapon is Similar to the Current Anti Infantry PPA type weapons
    Secondary Weapon is a fixed to turret Charged fire AV type weapon Like the "Lancer"

    Secondary Gunner: Same weapons variants as on Harasser But Minus the Vulcan, Halberd, Saron HRB,
    and PPA

    Cert Tree has all the standard Abilities as normal. But should Include the following..
    Blockade Armor.
    Mag Burn.
    Special Ability Vehicle Cloak?? Like on Flash cloak. works the same a flash cloak weapons cannot be fired while cloak is active and vehicle top speed is reduced by 1/3 " No i don't play VS. And yeah I'm Suggesting this."

    Turret Options : New Cert Tree for Round Type HE or AP , Like Soft Point Or High Velocity?!?
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  9. CommandoKain

    And Of Course SOE I will never let you forget about this!!!

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  10. Sen7ryGun84

    I want an AP30 Shredder mount for my lightning tank.
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  11. Bingabong

    My ultimate PS2 vehicle will be TR and be REALLY red and have a massive drill and a nuke and it would be all slimy and it will......
  12. VonStalin

    Just imagine rushing like this across Indar....

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  13. Aerindis

    Common pool 4-seater gunship. Pilot (no gun), main gunner (nose-mounted mortar or heavy machine gun turret), 2 door gunners with light machine guns. Slightly more speed and slightly less armor than a Liberator.

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  14. FieldMarshall

    I always wanted empire specific Flashes.

    Vs gets the hover one with more agility
    Tr gets the bike with higher top speed
    Nc gets the heavily armored ATV

    Made by this guy apparently
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  15. Flashtirade

    A mech truly worthy to be used by the NC.
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  16. Duvenel

    Man I remember watching this show.
  17. KnightCole


    Looks sooo much better then our Vanguard.

    Slap on a Co-Axial HMG and the top gun and BLAM, submit to SoE and demand they make it so!

    Only change id suggest to that model is a slightly longer and overall, larger turret. Its a bit small compared to the hull imo.

    But otherwise, amazing work.
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  18. Tuco

    If there were true sidegrades we could be able to construct/customize our perfect vehicle.
  19. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    800mm artillery piece. Just for the sake of it.
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  20. Flashtirade

    Still my favorite scene.
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