Describe the user above in 3 words

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AllRoundGoodGuy, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Dualice

    Isn't that noob-ish
  2. Dualice

    Isn't that noob-ish
  3. Pikachu

    Made funny description

    stole my place:mad:
  4. LaughingDead

  5. No0T

    Is not noot.
  6. LaughingDead

    Points out obvious
  7. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Points stuff out
  8. LaughingDead

    Stuffs points out
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    Words rearranges oddly
  10. LaughingDead

    Oddly rearranging words
  11. TR5L4Y3R

    Laughs while dead?
  12. LaughingDead

    Is not laughing
  13. Campagne

    Dead don't laugh.
  14. JobiWan

    Bubbly without h
  15. TrolKabu

    Speaks very Wrell

    (yeah I'm quite late for this one :D)
    • Up x 1
  16. AllRoundGoodGuy

    makes bad puns
  17. TrolKabu

    Rude with me
  18. LaughingDead

    Is apparently punny
  19. velie12

    wants more explosives
  20. CrazyPierson626