Deployed Sunderers no longer fly.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AntDX316, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. AntDX316

    I was hit by a lot of orbital strikes as a deployed repair sunderer on the rock bridge from Ti Alloys to Crown and I didn't move or blow up. I'm not sure if the portable skyshield had anything to do with it but it doesn't make Orbital Strikes worth calling anymore. It was good the way it was before.

    People were taking refuge inside the sunderer and no one died.
  2. Dargadon

    OS was never able to kill Sunderer - it leaves them burning. Also Anchored vehicles (deployed Sunderers, Prowlers, MAXes) are immune to physic impulses. Working as intended.
  3. AntDX316

    Before sunderers used to fly even while deployed. It made the game awesome.