[Suggestion] Deployables UI Element

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Feydakin, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. Feydakin

    I would really like to see a UI element to show deployables currently deployed. It doesn't need to show much information, just number and type. I just like to know at a glance if my mines, ammo pack, shield, and now Spitfire Turret are still up so I know when i need to replace them. It can and should be toggleable, and can be tucked into a corner out of the way.
  2. FateJH

    An easy solution is to use your mines and your shield recharge, and your what-not, as you need them, not only as it becomes convenient to use them. On the other hand, the greatest number of a single deployable thing you can have out are five AT mines and it's hard to find reason to spread them out every which way. It's not like you have twenty of them or something.
  3. Feydakin

    I'd rather they add this simple little UI element than fundamentally change the way that I use tactics and play support roles. Other than the work involved there's no reason not to include this quality of life improvement...