[Suggestion] Delay to the HA Shield? Ok, lets add a delay to all abilities then.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BiggggBRIM, Sep 25, 2014.

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  1. FocusLight

    If this is ever done, they will have to tripple (at least) the HP of the Heavy be default and add a double the HP effect to shields. If you make Heavies slower, everything changes.

    Longer time to get from A to B, wherever to whatever those places are.

    Getting in and out of cover take much longer. Trying to run in zig-zag pattern and look down to make it harder for people to shoot you in the open? Good luck with that, slow-poke. Trying to get in position to shoot at tanks before they move, or get out of dodge of aircraft? Ha ha, you wish.

    Trying to react to new dangers when your engaged in a close range brawl? Good luck with that, your opponent can dodge behind the cover they got and if you want to pursue, you won't catch them - they got a lead and THEY ARE FASTER THAN YOU.

    If you are going to make a mini-MAX, you will need the HP to match. There is a reason the heavily armed and armored MAX suits are so slow: balance. If Heavies had the speed of MAX'es but the HP of the HA today... what good would that class be then? Might as well pull a MAX instead.

    Slowing down HA's would destabilize everything and ruin the game balance.
  2. Asageh

    So much support, you should post this on Reddit for more support.

  3. Akashar

    Signed fot that one, instant mine kill are just idiotic and lame.
  4. Akashar

    Yeah, just in case, tanks always need a nerf. You can always reduce splash damage and damage against infantry overall. You're right. What about a 60% reduction for next update? Sounds in line with previous "udpates"
  5. z1967

    I take it this means the Light Assault is getting a passive speed boost, a tool, and/or a survival enhancing mechanism? No? Well than hold on the hashtags and perhaps evaluate class to class balance from other classes point of view.
  6. day ofm one

    I hate Heavy Assaults

    Don't nerf Heavy Assaults!
  7. Prudentia

    you can't headshot someone from behind...
    the first bullet will hit the head, he will flinch, the head will disappear behind the Torso, he turns around and shots at you.
    additionaly had hitboxes are bugged anyway so Shooting at the torse from the back kills someone about 2-3 times faster than aiming at the head.
  8. DG-MOD-04

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