Defending that hill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NikkoJT, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. NikkoJT

    [Cobalt - The Crown/Crossroads Watchtower]

    Hey everyone,
    I just want to say thanks and good job to every NC soldier who held that one goddamn hill outside the Crossroads Watchtower. You held it for a long time, and not even armoured attacks from both the Terrans and the Vanu pushed you off. Sure, we lost it in the end, but even then it was because we got hit by two full offensives at once, and after that we just fell back what, 500 metres? And last I saw, we were pushing in to take that hill RIGHT. FREAKIN'. BACK.

    You made me proud to wear the blue, guys. And if when I get back next weekend, we have that hill back and are holding it, well I'll be a lot prouder still. Consider that a challenge.

    Live free in the NC!

  2. Eleo

  3. NikkoJT

    This is what I get for assuming previously-empire-fanatic players of an extremely teamwork-oriented game would be interested in things like camaraderie, immersion and goodfites, I suppose.
    I guess I'll just be moving along now.
  4. illgot

    I love that hill.

    It gives my sniper easy kills and allows me to farm certs with my tank (no matter what tank I use).