Defenders Advantage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nocturn0l, May 17, 2013.

  1. Nocturn0l

    I think it's unreasonable that the respawn time for bases is higher than on sundys.

    If your spawn room gets camped and numbers are even on both sides the attacker always has the advantage because they respawn faster.

    There is absolutly no reason to storm out of the spawn room and try to kill 2-3 guys before dying because they will be back before yourself. This game gives you time to wear down your opponent before a base gets lost but with the respawn mechanics there is no way to "wear them down", the flip time therefore is completely irrelevant.
  2. SiosDashcR

    Yes - But their Sunderer spawn isn't as permanent as yours is. Try throwing down a Spawn Beacon from inside the base or roof of the base then drop pod and kill their Sunderer.
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  3. Nathaniak

    A good point. Why should an S-AMS, a mobile unit stuck on a transport, be more efficient than a dedicated spawn tube in a facility?. Defenders need more advantages. Reduce - base timers by 6 seconds.
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  4. gigastar

    Wouldnt be as big of an issue if the no-deploy ones were implemented.
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  5. Kenny007

    Agreed, as I have in the previous instances this was brought up. Still don't understand why this is in place.

    A fully functional facility spawning troops slower than a large van with presumably some kind of generator inside? What the crap SOE?

    Continuing that train of thought, spawning at the warpgate, the most powerful and distant (from the frontlines, generally) should be even faster than a facility or outpost. Sunderers though? They should be swapping speed for convenience, not offering both.
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  6. Chinchy

    Aahahah Doesn't the title of this thread sound like a pub that would be in 1 of the cities on the civilian side of Araxis.
  7. AssaultPig

    Assuming the numbers are relatively even, the attackers should have an advantage. If they didn't, it would be very difficult to ever mount an offense and things would quickly stagnate. You see this frequently in biolabs, where the distance between the attackers' spawn and the control points negates the defenders' spawn delay.
  8. Shellana

    Yeah, hey you are right. It really sucks that defenders are not allowed to put up a sunderer of their own. It would be even better if the defenders had a places in the larger bases that was safely behind shields. /sarcasm

    If you want the faster spawn time of a sunderer, put up one of your own.
  9. chrisbeebops

    The defenders have an inherent advantage already since they spawn from within a shielded room with multiple exits, and their spawn cannot be destroyed*. Sunderers which park too close to the spawn room or point can be easily destroyed by defenders. The attackers spawn in the open air and often will need to run much further than the defenders in order to get to the points, negating the time bonus.

    Also, there is nothing preventing defenders from bringing their own sunderers and parking them in strategic locations.

    *Yes yes, SCU, I know. But relative to destroying a sunderer, an SCU is usually a bigger fight to get to.
  10. Kenny007

    Assuming all combatant totals and skills are equal, attackers are supposed to be at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, PS2 caters almost exclusively to the attacking side of a given battle, so that doesn't tend to be the case in most of the fights across Planetside. Sunderers and poorly defendable bases are key examples of this.
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  11. smokemaker

    Thats why you stay behind the shields killing the foolish who let you.
    Then plant mines before the spawn room flips and redeploy elsewhere.
    Good certs.
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  12. AssaultPig

    why are attackers supposed to be at a disadvantage?
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  13. Keiichi25

    Uhm... No... The No-Deploy zones would not mitigate the issue against attackers.
  14. Tanelorn

    I can't agree with shortening spawn timers for anything. This game should not be about winning battles by throwing more replaceable bodies at the enemy than they can at you. It should be about tactics and strategy.
  15. seamus2008

    Am I reading this correctly? WTF
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  16. Keiichi25

    I would say I sort of agree with the sentiment, however, defense wise, the Sunderer should not be less than the other facilities. It should be about the same. As for tactics and strategy... Not so much given the fact that taking most bases is all about whoever has the most people at any given time.
  17. Phazaar

    Completely disagree. If you're defending without a Sunderer, you've missed the point. You deserve to lose if you can't now get yourself organised enough to droppod the Sunderer. Invincible spawn beacons and squad leader deploy will sort you out if you're not a smacktard.
  18. Tommyp2006

    Why shouldn't the defenders get the advantage? It should be easier to dig into a base and defend. Attacking is supposed to take work, you're not just supposed to roll into a base and roll out 4 minutes later. Bases are not easy enough to defend in this game, the spawn rooms are too exposed and easy to camp. Many of the bases in this game are literally undefendable.
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  19. Kenny007

    ...because defenses?
  20. Nocturn0l

    The inherent advantage of shielded spawn room is not an advantage, since you can't defend anything from inside the room! Infact it's more like prison and leaving it is a lot of times a death sentence, especially when the attackers bring a lot of armor. Small bases that get camped do not allow for a safe sundy Placement.
    Fighting for a base should be a fight for capture Points, yet due to the spawn disadvantage of the defending team they will slowly get pushed back to the spawn room, without a chance to ever fight for the capture points again.
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