[Guide] Deep Agent Implant

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, Jun 11, 2017.


    So after 35$ spend in the deluxe packs, i had finally the deep agent implant. (For people who might not know...i main infiltrator since the beginning with 75%~ of my playtime)

    I also had to spend another 10$ MORE just to have enough iso-4...

    I made the test with a Teammate today. (He was in another Faction)

    The Second last and last Rank of the Implant do really make you nearly invisible even while crouchwalking you are barelly noticable.....EXCEPT you have got a bugged Pistol (insight from a Stalker):
    The Enemy CAN see you when you have one of these Pistols equipped:

    Commissioner JE (just JE)
    Blackhand (all variants)
    Emissary (all variants)

    And of course all new NSX guns >_>.

    I will bet that the upcoming NS-45 Pilot pistol will be bugged too.

    My Teammate was able to recognise me ONLY because i had one of the Pistols equipped....it really saddens me.

    So which guns can i use so i can be the Invisible Predator i want to be so much? (VS side)

    Beamer (good luck having the DPS with the Accuracy...even then you destroy the mouse)

    Overbugged Crossbow (ULTRA RECOIL and 1s rechambertime...it should be 0.85s)

    Spiker (chargemode does same damage as a Commissioner shot.....and stats are same as beamer.......)

    Cerberus (BULLSHEEEEEET)

    The two Revolvers who are not silenced.....

    And the stone you picked from a Mountain in Amerish as souvenir (will be nerfed SOON TM).

    Oh and don't forget the sheeetty directive beamer without lasersight and 15 shots per magazine...........(**** You).

    Back to topic:
    Does the Implant pay out?
    For me: Yes
    For you: decide it yourself

    And just for your personal info:

    I reported the bugged Pistols a half year ago and the report on the Bugsite itself was few months ago.....and i got still no answer...
  3. CaptCran

    Im gonna see how long it takes getting this implant with certs
  4. LordKrelas

    It's RNG.
    So could be first try, or could be in several years.
    Unlike weapons, slots, or similar with a fixed price, this is price-to-roll-the-RNG-Dice.
  5. Maecy

    The default blackhand scope crosshairs will cloak with you as infil, still hasn't been fixed since its release :\
  6. Hegeteus

    I was hoping on getting deep operative too, but only rare implant I got was carapace. So I've been EMP diving with mag-scatter instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Tankalishious

    Scrolling fast past this post, I read it as "deep **** implant" and had a wtf-moment
  8. Zagareth

    Im wondering what is wrong with the Blackhand - Im using this on all characters and I've never got a sign that someone sees me better with it equpped.

    Let's make a comparison:

    If you take a nonbugged pistol like a Standart Commissioner or Beamer...you can see sharply trough (is it would be glass)

    With a bugged Pistol you can see trough....but it is VERY blurry.
    The Blackhand as example has this blurryness only on the Pistol itself, while the Scope is in fact not bugged (scope =clear)
  10. Zagareth

    Every time when I equip the Blackhand, it is almost not visible in deep cloak - there is no difference for me, compared to other Pistols. Sometimes there is a bug on my TR char, (well, more than sometimes, thats why I never play him) while the pistol becomes visible for me with shattering textures. But that seems to be client only, because enemy ran closeby, but didnt notice.

    Nevertheless, Blackhand is the best pistol ever, as Stalker
  11. DIGGSAN0

    i am close to loosing my nerves........
    i have tested it with various people on all three factions....THEY SAW THE DIFFERENCE...
    if you can't see it...ok but don't argue that it isn't a bug or "just clientside".

    I like also the Blackhand, but like i said i do not use it anymore since i know that it is bugged.
  12. Zagareth

    No way that I argue with someone who thinks he is enlightened :rolleyes: