[Suggestion] Dedicated Community Roadmap section

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by COMMANDER K33N, Mar 23, 2013.


    So we have the Dev Roadmap, which shows us what the devs plan on working on and gives us an opportunity to say "nah bro we don't like that", or "Sure, that sounds rad!" before they go ahead and do it regardless. Whilst we have gameplay suggestions, the gameplay discussion and what else, it seems as though the devs would benefit from a dedicated community roadmap section.

    The idea of it is pretty simple - it's effectively the same as the Dev Roadmap, but with posting unlocked, with four "forum views" available.

    • Highest Rated first - as it says on the tin, the desires of the voting community that the devs may not have themselves considered
    • Newest first - Regardless of what was bumped last, the newest thread is always on top
    • Bump order - Last thread to be posted in bumps to the top of the forum
    • Lowest rated first - "Okay guys, we really shouldn't do these things"
    To me, it's pretty obvious that this would have room for abuse - "0mg S03 mak3 w34p0n5 3!!!!!!11!!!!1one!!!1" - however, the room for organised suggestions and feedback seems as though it would be enormous.
    The ideas that are the highest rated at the end of every two week period would be considered by the devs. It's merely a more organised suggestion forum, with the ability to downvote posts if they're deemed necessary.It should make it pretty apparent that the lowest rated ideas are ones that should not be implemented.
    Of course, this would be functional for things other than gameplay - graphics settings, game launcher, forum layout, etc.
    inb4 this post should be downvoted
    inb4 OP can't inb4
  2. SgtBreastroker

    It will turn into endless threads of one half supporting one point with the other half arguing that point.

    Is this a bad thing?