[Suggestion] Decrease long range infantry AV ranges to 300m.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, May 15, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    That means:

    Engineer AV Turrets

    Would all get the Maximum ranges dropped to 300m if they are not already at 300m.

    AA weapons wouldn't be effected.

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  2. TheMercator

    Infantry need longer range or else they wouldn't be able defense themselfs against tanks.(Actually three of the weapons you listed render at vehicle-distance)
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  3. 00000000000000000000

    There is a reason they don't do this but I've forgotten it.
  4. ColonelChingles

    The primary tactic of infantry against tanks shouldn't be extreme long-ranged weaponry, but to use stealth for close-in attack.

    Really the main advantage of infantry is that they can hide. This makes up for the fact that infantry weapons are generally weaker and shorter-ranged than whatever you can fit on a vehicle (due to weight constraints). So infantry should have a damage and range disadvantage against vehicles... which infantry can make up for by being really good at hiding. In that way it doesn't matter if the enemy tank outranges infantry... the tank can't shoot at what it doesn't know exists.

    For example, the much-vaunted Javelin ATGM is actually fairly short-ranged... effective up to 2,000m. Compared to modern tank cannon that have shell ranges of 4,000m and ATGM ranges of 8,000m, infantry-carried ATGMs are pretty puny. Heavier ATGMs that have ranges to match tank cannon are generally not easily infantry-portable (and certainly not by a lone soldier).

    Infantry in PS2 should only be given short-ranged AT weapons that instead rely on infantry ambush tactics to be effective against MBTs. Otherwise you do need to call in your own air support or friendly vehicles to deal long-ranged damage to other vehicles.
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  5. bamapama

    No, just no. AV Mana turrets are fine because they do render at their max range even if the player operating them does not. That makes them easy to snipe. Especially with AP rounds. As for the rest. Well, indeed. Often they don't render (even though projectiles themselves do), and it's sometimes incredibly annoying, but I agree with TheMercator. A range shorter than 400 m would make players using them way too prone to return fire. I believe anti ground vehicle rocket launchers have lock-on range below 400 m, how often do see or use them (I for one only against Magriders)?
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  6. MarkAntony

    Except that in big battles they DON'T render consistently. I am sick of seeing rockets materialize out of thin air exactly where the enemy AV turret is only to be powerless to do anything because it DOES NOT RENDER. In fact this very issue keeps me from tanking. no point in fighting invincible invisible enemies.
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  7. lothbrook

    I'm pretty certain anyone that thinks this shouldn't change hasn't spent more than an hour or 2 in a tank. Render issues with infantry AV is a serious issue, and the lancer/vortex are the biggest offenders, nothing like getting hit by laser beams to the rear of your tank fired 600m out with 0 warning. Even if they rendered theres no defense against infantry targets that far away other than to just run and hide.
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  8. Copasetic

    First off, AV MANA turrets do not render reliably in medium to large battles. Go to any 96+ fight in an area that allows long range AV (like the transition between north and south Indar) and I guarantee you'll see AV MANA rockets hitting vehicles without being able to spot the turrets firing them.

    Second, infantry do not need any sort of protection from vehicles at ranges where they don't render anyway. That should be obvious.

    Third, infantry have no business ******** on tank battles in the open areas between bases. Just like tanks have no business farming infantry who are fighting inside a base. We made sweeping changes to base design, HE, HEAT and flak armor to prevent that from happening, but in all that time we didn't do a damn thing about a squad of Lancers wiping out 20 tanks 400m away who were trying to have an armor fight with some other tanks. That's not right.

    Infantry AV should be effective and short range only. If you're somehow being harassed by tanks 400m away then pull tanks of your own and go blow them up. Get some armor battles going for once.
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  9. ScrapyardBob

    The only way you could shorten up infantry AV ranges to 300m would be to give them more stopping power (i.e. make those weapons 2x more powerful). Plus add a *lot* more clutter in and around bases so that infantry have enough cover to sneak up and get behind vehicles or attack from cover.

    The only troublesome AV weapons are those without range limits -- the Lancer (and the Vanu MAX variant) and the engineer turrets. They should both be capped at 500m. Falcons/Ravens/Phoenix already have range limitations of around 400-500m. Pounders / Comets / and some others have accuracy issues at range, Fractures have damage issues at range, and the various AV lock-on missile weapons have range limits.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

    Lancers & vortex's have 800m+ range.

    You can't justify that existing from a balance perspective.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    They are already extremely strong.

    The only way you could justify making them stronger is if you make vehicles stronger against infantry.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    "to prone"?

    Are you serious?

    The maximum infantry render range is 300m.

    So are you telling me "being prone" is people being able to FIGHT BACK????????????
  13. Mxiter

    get your sunderer sniped by an out of render range comet max like it happened to me yersteday.

    You'll agree with OP.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    Because "infantryside" gives them $$$.
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  15. OldMaster80

    So, since devs seem to be unable to fix this, your solution is the nerf one of the very few things that prevent infantry from being farmed even more by vehicles?
    I say if the problem is rendering distance then blame the devs for fixing rendering distance, not ask for nerfing something else.
  16. Copasetic

    How can infantry possibly be getting farmed at distances where they don't even render for the vehicles?
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  17. Scr1nRusher

    "farmed even more"


    The problem is the ranges of the infantry AV being more then the maximum render distance of infantry.

  18. HadesR

    As a purely infantry player I believe 300m ( or render range if they ever change it ) is the way it should be ..

    300m is ample range in which to be able to

    A) Defend yourself.

    B) Organize a reasonable defense.

    For everything else there is pulling your own vehicle ..
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  19. bamapama

    Yes, I'm serious. Why? Because once that guy with an AV weapon lands one hit on me, I'll just activate fire suppression, turn my turret in his direction, hold RMB to zoom a little and shoot him in the head with an AP round before he'll be able to reload. At 300 m it won't be that difficult even if he'll be on the move. Then I'll move somewhere safer and repair the tank. If it's a nest of AV infantry I'll be dead regardless the range, as long as they focus fire.

    I'm no tanker by any means (nor am I a pilot or exclusively an infantry player). But I had my fair share in vehicles, and I had them blown to pieces by Lancers nests, Vortex and Raven MAXes outside render range . I admit that not being able to fight back in such cases is extremely annoying (especially at places like the bridge to Scarred Messa). I agree they have to do something about that. However, I do not forget that vehicles such as tank or even a battle Sundy are serious force multipliers, and there has to be a way for infantry to counter them (especially when they come in large numbers).

    Lowering the effective range of infantry AV gear to 300 m would also make many high ground locations perfect for AV duties useless (especially when flanking), thus forcing players to attack from a "flat" plane. And any vehicle on a "flat" plane can close the distance fast enough to make the kill easy or just run enemies over (or it can just run away and repair).

    That is why I believe it would make AV infantry too prone to return fire.
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  20. Scr1nRusher

    Let me ask you something.

    If a vehicle based weapon had ranges that exceeded the render distance of that vehicle, but the weapon could still hit you, wouldn't you want the vehicle weapons range brought in line with the render distance?