Decoy nades jukes ******* only:(

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by isilyan, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. isilyan

    Ey m8:)

    Imho something needs to be done to the Decoy nades, the stationary enemy marker it makes on the mini map only works as a decoy the first time you see it, after that it only makes you aware that there are an Infiltrator in the area.

    My 5 cents for a solution
    Make the enemy marker on the minimap blink on and off(for the duration of the nade), and prehaps make the marker on the mini map move a bit.
    But btw what are your experince with them?
  2. NCf00

    Nothing says 'Infilitrator here' quite like either the cloak sound, a rifle shot or a decoy grenade.

    My experience is that it basically alerts enemies to use their infra-red/NV scopes which as we all know, is instant-death for Cloakers.
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  3. isilyan

    Yup SOE feels that we must be Snipers:(
  4. Xil

    Decoy grenades should bounce and roll around as they're creating those false positives. Give a sense of movement.
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  5. Darthbob509

  6. Kaibah

    Glad I didn't waste the certs on 'em.