
Discussion in 'MAX' started by Mike Fox, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Mike Fox

    "Decimator: New Heavy Assault common pool rocket launcher. High-damage anti-vehicle weapon, has a slow projectile speed and no lock on, but does massive damage to vehicles and other armored targets."

    What do you guys think, will this be a 1 shot 1 kill on a MAX ?
    And if so is that balanced?
    I'm leaning towards no.
  2. Pyros

    Well they're doubling flak armor for infantry, hopefully they also double MAX flak armor, so it wouldn't be too much of an issue as you'll be able to get really tanky against explosions. Also depends on how slow and how much splash it does. The way I see it, this new weapon is for one shotting tanks with a rear shot from near point blank, kinda like C4 but without the infantry cost. Might work too good against MAXes though don't know.
  3. I'm behind you

    Considering how slow MAXs are unless the HA is firing from a long way away you're probably not going to be able to avoid it. I think it's a totally unnecessary addition. Heavy Assault anti armour was already pretty damn strong. Flak Armor might help, but I don't want to feel like I'm forced to use it just to prevent HA picking me off.
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  4. deathTouch

    HA clearly wasn't versatile enough already and needed more weapon options.

    Here's an idea: why not put the super heavy AV weapon on the MAX rather than the HA, considering the MAX AV options right now are borderline useless?
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  5. MaxDamage

    Anyone who played PS1 will know that the decimator does exactly what it says on the tin.
    MAXs can be ripped apart by infantry much easier in this game, but the decimator makes areas MAX-free very fast.

    This is the day of our reckoning.
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  6. Infinity24k

    Sounds good. It simply cannot be that 20 guys pick a magrider and surround the spawnroom and an army of 100 will be slaughtered over and over again. And for those smartasses coming with "Pick an aircraft to counter": Have you ever tried attacking many enemies in an aircraft? The secundary gunners will take you down before you could unload your magazine.
  7. ghnurbles

    Yeah smart HAs already run into close ranges to hit you with their AV, doing it with the Decimator is going to be that much worse.

    The MAX needs a bit more default explosive resistance I think.
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  8. I'm behind you

    What's funny is all the heavies complaining about the removal of dumb fire on the AA and AV launchers means that they can't defend themselves against infantry. It's like they forget that they have more than one weapon. Unlike an AA MAX that actually can't defend itself unless it's within charging distance of a terminal.

    HA should be thankful that they don't suffer from crippling over specialisation. Doesn't matter anyway, I'm sure by next week they'll all be packing Decimators.
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  9. Zaik

    I seriously doubt it'll OHK a MAX, or if it does it won't for long. SOE has avoided that like the plague.

    Hell, if you need any evidence, just look at present day Jackhammer. When it was released you could drop a MAX in a second or so with the burst fire, now it's the worst shotgun in the game.

    I do hope they'll be increasing the MAX's Flak armor to 50% along with normal infantry flak armor, though I'm not holding my breath for it.
  10. Eric Smith

    I *REALLY* hope so. I was already planning on maxing my Flak armor for the Max, eventually, so 50% would be sweet. Frankly, Flak is just too useful for the Max. As AA you need it to survive the rocket spam barrages and Lib bombings. As AI people like firing rockets and throwing grenades at you. I've already noticed a significant improvement with just Flak Armor 2 so far, so more improvement would be nice. I'm seriously thinking about getting Flak for my HA as well, to help in those pesky Tech Plant battles that are more grenade spam than anything else.
  11. zeta3901

    some dude just made a vid about the decimator

    personally i think its a bit meh
  12. OldMaster80

    It seems more or less the damage Decimator dealt in PS1. It's a strong AV weapon, but you can't manage to oneshot a heavy tank and personally I think this is correct. It still powerful enough to make Prowlers / Vanguards / Madrigers turn and run back to base spamming for repair.
    I just wonder how many hits are needed to destroy a Max. Because Max units are slow very clumsy, I doubt they could escape those rockets.
  13. zeta3901

  14. D-Spirith

    Hit a TR MAX with one decimator rocket, then wasted ~40 Gauss SAW bullets in its back. Then he turned around and punched me in the face.
  15. Kiddneey

    Next time aim at the head. Hit Q to spot, he turns, you fire Deci into face. Job done. Even if he doesn't die (flak plating), you will need very few shots to kill. You have overshield, shield, mobility to reach cover. MAX will have to run or die.
  16. Morrow

    SoE have been very lazy with the weapons of you ask me. So many weapons look exactly the same. The TRV AR is the Nighthawk Shotgun with different ironsights.... All the carbines are very very close to identical.

    Now it seems even the new weapons are just the same weapons with different stats same skins. I mean how long would that take someone to make? An hour maybe.

    SoE need to spend more time designing new looks for different weapons because buying a new weapon and it looking 100% like your old one is kinda annoying and very cheap of SoE if you ask me.
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