Decals on armour

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VicinityProxy, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. VicinityProxy

    Let's see some of the decals we've bought with our money show on the composite armour we've bought with our money. With composite armour on you can't see the decals you've bought for your infantryman. Why not have decals on the armour? Tell me what you think!
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  2. Dragosanijr

    I completely agree, I had bought a 5$ decal only to find out it was money wasted because I cannot use it on my composite armor.
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  3. VSDerp

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  4. VicinityProxy

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. Let's try and get this some more attention!
  5. Elfpen

    Any word on this?
  6. Banick

    "They" said it would be patched. I presume it will be patched when the next premium armor is released.

    SOE are dropping the ball on aesthetics a bit IMO.