
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PelicanDynasty, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. PelicanDynasty

    So I play almost exclusively as a medic, and don't use many vehicles, so I die a lot. I don't mind a **** K/D, but I read about people with 3+ K/Ds and wonder how its even possible. I mean, when you're fighting a losing battle I get destroyed and so does everyone else. Do people just baby out and quit when losing to maintain a high K/D? Or is there a secret that I don't know. Dying less is always a good thing, so any tips are appreciated to help me not get murdered.
  2. HadesR

    Vehicle play for the most part or Max's
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  3. Goden

    Sniping or cert-farming with MAX or vehicles.
  4. Killuminati C

    Mostly this is due to people playing in vehicles and Max suits. Oh and the always epic, shooting out of spawn rooms. And yes, there are a lot of people who only look for fights that offer them an overwhelming advantage.
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  5. MFP_TK_01

    Spawn room - learn it, live it, love it.
  6. Czuuk

    In most cases it's because there are selfless medics that keep rezzing those who die.

    In some cases, it's because they are that good.
  7. PelicanDynasty

    ^ That's a bit disappointing. Good thing nobody cares about K/D...atleast I don't :p
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  8. Locke

    To get a really extreme K/D (10+) you pretty much need to be using vehicles or MAX suits the majority of the time with good support or just be an incredible player. 3+ k/d though should be possible by most people I think regardless of the class they play. I started out as what I consider to be a pretty low k/d player (1.1ish) but have worked on it to improve my game to a 4+ group play k/d and 2.5+ solo k/d. There are tons of small things you can do to make yourself a better player such as practicing aiming better (it sounds obvious but most people miss a lot), learning what weapons are good for your play style, understanding how weapons and equipment work most effectively, developing better situational awareness (probably the most important one) and improving the tactics that you use when attacking the enemy rather than running in like some sort of barbarian thinking your a one man army. There are so many players who never analyse what they did wrong and stop to think "why did I die here?".
  9. ViXeN

    I have a 3.4 K/D and play Infantry 99% of the time, while spending the majority of that time being one of the first people rushing into enemy-infested areas.... which may seem impossible but its actually pretty easy once you have spent enough time learning the maps and understand how the average person plays in different situations. They become predictable.

    My best advice is

    #1. Play HA and cert up both Adren shield and Nanoweave.

    #2. Read my infantry guide located here:

    Also feel free to record some of your game-play, upload it on YouTube and send me a link. I would be happy to tell you what you are doing wrong and how to improve. :D
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  10. PelicanDynasty

    ^Thanks for the help. I really like reviving, but HA does seem the way to go for kills. Probably try that out next, and then Infil.
  11. ViXeN

    Well, you can get XP faster using a medic or engi but you'll survive more fights if you're using HA so it depends on which you prefer.
  12. SquattingPig

    The best infantry players have somewhere around 10 K/D and 2 kills per minute because they have a membership and can constantly pump medkits which, in conjunction with NW5, resist shield, and amazing shooting ability, means they can survive for a really long time.
  13. ViXeN

    I have never seen any true infantry (meaning most of his or her kills are with infantry) player with a 10 K/D on this game. LOL And membership has nothing to do with the amount of kills you get, just your XP. Also, if you are a good rusher, Adren Shield is much better than Resist.
  14. SquattingPig

  15. SharpeShooter

    God this post makes you sound so arrogant you know this yes lol?
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  16. Peebuddy

    Under barrel grenade launcher for the engineer, best weapon on the defense. just sit there and spam those suckers, most people don't run flack so you don't even have to hit them directly.
  17. Brahma2

    Infantry K/D has to be looked at differently than vehicle K/D, just because of the capabilities of each. Infantry has alot of things it can die from and very little defense compared to any vehicle (except a flash, which is just literal death with wheels). Vehicles are capable of getting around easier.

    Honestly, K/D is a bad way to judge, because you don't know if someone is playing a vehicle without support at all, in the fight constantly, or if they are playing with support or in a zerg.

    I'd say for infantry, kill per minute or something like that is a more important stat to look at than K/D. It shows how effecient you are rather than how many times you got gayed.

    For vehicles, if the person doesn't have at least a 10/1 K/D on average while operating... they're bad. Consistently the best players are prob around like 20 K/D on average if they're in a vehicle.

    And drivers and pilots get no credit whatsoever for Libs, Galaxies, Harassers, and Sunderers... which is ********.
  18. NoctD

    Its not quitting - its playing smart and choosing your fights. When a battle is lost its time to re-deploy and re-group elsewhere, not make a final charge that will just see 99% of your side being killed with 1% losses on the other side. We have the power of nanites - its how we choose to use them (constantly dying and re-spawning is not the right approach, but its what people learn from other games like CoD).

    Smart players learn the limits, they know when the battle is lost, when to retreat and not overextend. Eg. if you're in a turret/vehicle - you often have enough advanced warning of damage, and when you get down to about 1/4 health, its time to bail and give up on that turret/vehicle (you can't bail air though, with these you need to know when to run).

    The other part is situational awareness... I don't get those people who want to play with music in the background, or constantly chat in squads, etc. All that extra noise compromises your situational awareness, which includes not only scanning around you constantly, but listening to your environment... it will tell you what might be around the corner, vehicles approaching, etc. Listening is actually very important - I usually know the turret I'm in is about to get hacked, etc.

    You will die a lot less once you just do these few things. You will still die though, cause if you don't you really aren't playing the game.
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  19. ViXeN

    Yeah, so? Am I supposed to care? :rolleyes:

    Those stats seem extremely high. Insanely high accuracy, headhots, etc... I'm not saying they are definitely hackers but it seems a bit unrealistic. And NIVX a guy who was busted for hacking a while ago? I remember reading something about him before on here. Also, they could be padding those stats with a lot of spawn camping.

    The majority of the top infantry players have lower K/Ds.
  20. Pie Chasm

    I got a 6 K/D ratio today playing as HA, medic and engineer. I didn't use a single resource.

    How did I do it? I stuck around medics.

    K/D means jack **** in this game and the only people who care about are the knuckle-dragging apes who think they're still playing CoD.
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