Dear Sony Online Entertainment. Miller Server.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Pugzii, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Pugzii


    I have been playing this game since BETA began, no problems at all with Lag or FPS issues, I have a very strong PC and an extremely fast net connection.

    Every day for the past week, around 8-10pm GMT time, Miller server EU gets hit by HUGE lag attacks - this is probably due to the player load on the server as the que usually hits around 700 people at 8PM.

    Please, SOE, do something about this lag.. its ruining the game for people.

    Smed and other SOE people - when testing this lag for yourself, please for the love of god don't log in at non-peek times and claim the lag is 'non-existant'. Off course if you log in at 1:00am on a weekday its going to be fine - try 8PM on a weekend.

    The lag is happening now and its not even peek time.. which is very worrying. SOE, get your 'Programmers' to fix this..

  2. ERICH

    Yes its there and everyone knows it. SOE pls fix this and dont tell us to contact that other company. I gave you my money and im playing your game x_X
  3. Pugzii

    Yep spent alot on this game