Dear Devman: What are you smoking?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Dougi, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Dougi

    Seriously WHY are you completely gutting construction? WHO ASKED FOR THIS? These PTS changes to construction are about the worst decision that I have ever seen in this game, and that is shocking considering the sheer incompetency of RPG and the team working on this game. Thank god Foxhole 1.0 is coming out, because this dev team obviously does not listen to their playerbase.
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  2. Tycoh

    I honestly would like to know what inspired devman to neuter the base AI capabilities, nobody defended bases even well before the Xiphos AI turret nerf where the thing was an accurate laser beam of infantry death below 30 meters. EMP spires? What is that going to do against its main counter: the lone wolf Infiltrator saboteur? Do the devs have something up there sleeve so builders have fun guarding their bases that sit in the middle of nowhere due to the massive No-Deploy zones? Is there something we're not aware of that will encourage infantry/vehicle players to defend player made bases with attractive rewards or are they just listening to the handful of Infiltrator mains on reddit screaming the loudest?

    What's concerning is that Foxhole 1.0 is probably going to rip all of the base builders from this game due to the severe lack of care the devs have for construction.
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  3. Silverthorn

    In addition OSHUR was built around player bases, so now That will need changing too since player bases will be dodo's in front of a minigun target range.

    Flail nerf why?... pain whaaa?
    This is just dumb, I thought they were going to improve and add to bases not remove them from the game.
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  4. Silverthorn

    As a base killer/hunter. I drop fully built bases in about 5 min. unguarded. With guards a 5-7 over shield base, takes me maybe 10min solo......... ...There are better people that me who do this... ... I can't even.
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  5. mediapimps

    So just no more bases then? They should just get rid of them all together instead of just making them impossible to defend. Even if I have a full squad with me, one or two people can wreck my base if they are persistent enough. A solo stealthy can do massive dmg as it is now.
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  6. ycluk

    I think instead of not having the AI module, the AI module should have a no deploy zone near bases, so this can allow base building players to have the AI module outside of the no deploy zone of bases.
  7. 23rd enigma

  8. 23rd enigma

    [IMG] [IMG]
    Someone please put green bandana on instead of peter here
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  9. Zelfy

    You have just doomed bases to being removed from the game. People won't bother building them, all you will see from this point forward is a silo and vehicle spawner. Congratulations. Great game design guys. Pushing your playerbase away from your game, really smart. I don't say this part lightly, I thought Riot and Blizzard were the worst decision-makers for their game in all of video game industry, but you have taken the cake and I am quite shocked at this decision making. HORRRIBLE what the **** are you guys smoking over there.
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  10. Liewec123

    These changes would be great,
    IF they came with the return of 'walls and structures are immune while under the effect of a repair module'.

    I've been saying for years that the best time for bases was when they were used as roadblocks,
    And infantry had to assault the base to take out the modules so that vehicles could then take down the fortifications.
    Pain Spire made this unfun, so with pain spire gone it would be a perfect time to bring the damage immune walls back.

    Right now this is just a nerf to an already pointless and unloved side of the game.
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  11. KADAXA

    Honestly, the only reason I build bases is because I see a nice spot to put a vehicle terminal, and I build a few defenses, then leave, but have enough to have infantry not f with the base, and it tells me when someone really persistent comes along, and anyone worth their weight in salt DOSNT GET SHOT, I have to kill them myself, usually over and over again, but with this, I can just get blown up by any nimrod with 50 seconds and ammo printer, without them having to ever move away from the best shooting spot.
    or some overzealous lighting just taking pot shots at it in full view of my turrets.
    The other offender is the pain spire, it prevents an infiltrator from getting to prime decloak spots, but since they are just getting rid of AI modules, its also practically useless anyways, this nerf just solidifies that fact.
    Now, they should of just removed turret AI modules, because we never had an issue killing things that we could hit when we where in the turrets ourselves, its just when we where going to get cortium we would have a random liberator or ESF come and try and remove the entire base from existence, skywall shields and the AI modules prevented that, that is what they are supposed to do, in fact, they would only shoot from a certain distance, OR they where returning fire.
    but this post is getting a bit long, but the bases are having a hard time figuring out what the **** they want to be, as they are too far from main bases to be objective defenses, and would be WAY too weak to be actually defendable structures.
    Also, Oshur is ******* lame now, other than BOAT.
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  12. Amador

    You know, I'm not even a Construction enthusiast and I find myself being the "Construction attacker" more often than the "Construction builder/defender". But even then, player Construction has its weaknesses.

    • The AI Modules enable AA/AI/AT towers to act as passive protection and can be damaged by small arms fire and are easy to destroy. Furthermore, turrets will only engage if the base it shot at or if enemies are in close proximity.

    • The Pain Spire is a 100% passive structure with limited range and can be damaged by small arms fire. Simply moving away beyond its influence is easy to do. Thoughtful placement is a key factor to making it effective.

    • The Flail is powerful, yet the splash damage and range is limited and is only truly useful against stationary targets. Might I also remind everyone that before the rounds of a Flail lands, you can see green smoke at the target location - simply move out of the way.

    • Did I mention that player Construction already have weak points? All the attackers have to do is to simply destroy key modules to make the base vulnerable. If the attacking team destroys key modules, the base becomes practically impossible to maintain because of the required manpower to repair it. And most players still have no idea what a "Welding Device" is!

    Developer interference is the reason why Construction is being slowly made irrelevant. Just because players can use something effectively doesn't mean it needs to be ruined. At this point, developers need to start explaining themselves when it comes to their outlook and intentions regarding player Construction.

    Do developers even like Construction? Has Construction become an aspect of gameplay they hate? Do they feel Construction is no longer relevant in PS2? Like what's the deal?

    The developers need to start explaining their intent with transparency and to convey their sentiments regarding the topic of Construction. Because the most frustrating thing about this, is all the little changes that are easily perceived as yet another "nail in the coffin".

    The developers must either commit to a total revamp or a total removal of the Construction system. If the dev's can't accomplish either, then cease and desist.
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  13. lemurwrangler

  14. Gotcha

    This is an end to construction. It's already extremely time consuming to try to keep up with cortium while at the same time trying to defend your base. A small group of enemies can easily take your base as it is. Hell, I can do it solo myself with much less time than it took the poor fool to make it. In fact, when you do this, I will do nothing but destroy bases all day. I can't tell you how many times my spawn tube has gone down and the only way my base survived was the ai module. It took me hours to build, and one guy can come it and have it down in 5 min. And we need to nurf AI? NO... Also, why do people complain about base building. All you have to do is go around it. They like attacking it and they like complaining when they don't know how to do it. Seriously Stop nerfing base building. Buff it. If you don't like bases, you can stay away from them. It's that easy. You want to nerf something? How about pocket orbitals. They need to go away completely. They add nothing but harassment. You want an orbital? Go build a base and defend it.
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  15. VV4LL3

    I can't speak for the devs, but sounds like they "thought" it would make more players defend player made bases as part of the combat zones?

    Or... were trying to nerf the tactical base building as part of the balance system? People would build mini bases and turrets to increase their combat power in a region, but stop movement of a smaller force. Basically encourage turtling.

    Turtling is bad for gameplay because it means you can turtle an enemy force into their warpgate, which isn't fun at all.
  16. lemurwrangler

  17. Zelfy

    Reverted all but the most important nerf.

    Aright, ya'll wanna be deaf ears to us that's on you. Enjoy your dwindling playerbase. Dumb *****. I'm not wasting the energy to argue with you.