Dealing with Concussion Grenades

Discussion in 'MAX' started by AZAN, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. AZAN

    Hi, I recently got into playing max (NC) and have been gradually learning to avoid the pitfalls. However there is one I haven't really found any way round yet, that is concussion grenades.

    These seem to be used by heavies a fair bit against maxes, they effectively make the max completely unable to fight back and because the implant that deals with concussion is not available to max, there's no way round that either. Unless you just happen to have the enemy in your sights when it explodes, you're toast.

    Is there any way to know if a grenade is concussion before it goes off (so I can charge away)? Whats the best way to deal with this?
  2. Liewec123

    the only real way to combat it is with hardware,
    if you have a mouse with a button you can press to increase the dpi (sensitivity) you can press that to get a bit of control back :)

    other than that there isn't much you can do beyond ADADing and just trying to avoid their rockets :p
  3. AZAN

    Grim, I do have DPI adjustment but I am currently using my most responsive setting for normal aim and tend to use the least responsive for fine aiming.

    Just going to have to get a bigger mouse pad I guess.
  4. Ven Moonwall

    Well I play NC primarily and I have found a way to at least survive the heavy concussion :T

    1st you need Flak Armor, preferably lvl 5 but 4... maybe 3, will work.
    2nd. You need your trusty NC riot shield.

    Whenever I see the grenade marker I generally look toward the nearest opening, or if i know where it came from I look that way. Then I pop my shield, crouch and wait for the white flash of death. :3 I usually survive around... 75% of them like this.

    The flak armor will negate damage equal to 10% * lvl of armor. So if it is lvl 4 I negate 40% of the explosive damage. I have found that when a heavy cant kill it with rockets they spray their LMG until it dies, so I have the shield ready to catch all the bullets for me :D

    Oh and it also helps to have at least one pocket engi behind you with flak armor... yeah they will definitely need flak armor.
  5. AZAN

    Yeah I guess that is one way, with less damage off the rocket they at least can't kill you as fast even if you can't stop the concussion.

    I have been running kinetic armour up till now, is it worth going flak all the time?
  6. Cyrax Servius

    Flack lvl5 and pray brother...