[Suggestion] Dead being rezzed need a notification

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Grommy, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Grommy

    As the title says, I believe dead people being rezzed need some sort of notification that someone is in the process of getting them back up. Much like the way someone is told he's being healed while alive, people have to see that someone is trying to rez them so they don't just release 0.5 second before the cycle finishes. and they get the rez pop-up.

    I've been gone for a little bit and I'm disappointed this isn't in the game yet. I can't be the only medic frustrated by this...
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  2. asdfPanda

    Or that a medic is nearby. Or both.
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  3. Lavalampe

    I would also like to know which revive level the medic uses. No need of level 1 revives in a highly dangerous area...
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  4. Tyrranis

    I agree with all 3 posts in this thread so far. Being notified of an impending revive would be nice, as well as knowing what state you'll be in when you are rezzed.
  5. supahitecjetfyta

    id also like to know where the medics are when i request healing.
    a simple + icon on the map when i call for a medic would be nice.
    same thing with repairs/Engy too.
  6. Jac70

    A simpler solution would be to only allow rezzes from a level 5 medtool.
  7. Phsychotica

    I like the first two ideas but not the third.

    I see this posted a lot and it annoys me. A medic is risking his life to revive you because you died in a bad place. If you can't appreciate that, you don't deserve to be revived ever. It's a only a single extra death if you die again so stop being so selfish and think of the team and if they try to revive you for a second time, you don't have to accept.

    I'm sorry about being blunt but I have to say it as I see it.
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  8. MarioO

    I would be happy if I could at least see what happens around my corpse. Instead I am forced the respawn window (or anything else).
    I think many people wouldn't redeploy if they saw what happens in a radius of a few metres around their body.

    But of course a notification "you are being revived by [name]" would be good, too. But don't say what applicator level the medic has. Most medics will heal you anyways. Showing the level of the applicator would destroy the relationship between medics and their patients.
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  9. Lavalampe

    I see it in a complete different way.
    I'm playing a Medic with Level-6 Applicator and shall i tell you something? 90% of all Level 1 Medics don't risk their life for the time or the dead player. They do it cause a revive brings nearly the same xp as a kill. Bringing me back with 25% of HP in a highly dangerours area helps no one except the greedy medic. So they revive me and I get killed again. Wow what a advantage! Thank you greedy medic.
    I love guys who use a level 5 or 6 medical applicator cause then i have a real chance of surviving. They will also be faster and are able to shot at the enemy faster so they will give me cover. That's teamplay that has to be honored. No Random lvl 1 medic that just wanna farm certs while staying behind cover.
    When I die cause i was revived with 25% i just loose time. If i would know if i will have 75-100% life i would let me revive. Otherwise i will just give free xp and support stupid greedy medics.

    Chapo for everyone who certed his medical applicator. Shame on everyone who hasn't and trys to revive me instead of shooting back!
    This would really help.
  10. crissHill

    Great Idea! Also add the level of the medic tool in this notification. I'm quite f'cking bored getting ressed with 25% health.
  11. TheRealMetalstorm

    @Phsychotica: butt-hurt (ex?-)lvl1medic being told on

    Lavalampe is absolutely right. I don't need a revive from a level1 medic in a dangerous area.

    If he risked his life to rez me, then he's stupid. Why?
    Because it will be in vain - rezing me with a lvl1 tool in a hot area is probably just going to result in me dying again.

    What's in it for him? +100exp?

    Any non-newb will realise that reviving with a lvl1 medgun will probably lead to immediate death if in a hotzone.
    These lvl1 medics risk life and limb not for you, but for the exp.

    Seriously - if its because of a random drop podder killing me, I wouldn't mind a lvl1 rez - he'll heal me, and we'll both be fine.
    However, if I just got shot down because a bunch of enemies just charged the room I was in, I would never want to accept a level 1 rez It's probably better for me to respawn and go back, rather than getting revived, dying, then deciding to respawn.

    Show us the level of the applicator.
  12. Phsychotica

    I knew it, I just knew it, someone wouldn't be able to resist accusing me of being a medic. Medic is probably my least played class or maybe infiltrator.

    Both you and Lavalampe's arguments aren't particularly valid simply because of the TTK in this game. If you're revived in a hotzone and die instantly it would matter very little whether it was a level 1 tool or a level 6 the difference is at maximum 3 more bullets and at minimum 1.. You are simply trying to justify a death by associating the death to your medic rather than your enemy.

    I personally could not careless about which level revives me. It's up to me to capitalise on the revive and if I can't, a few more bars of health wouldn't help. I suspect the true motives behind this is time and K/D.

    In the times when I have played medic I'd say about 1 in 5 people wait for me to finish healing them after a revive. Everyone else just runs off to get back in the fighting as soon as possible and can't wait 2 seconds to get back to full health. It's their stupid fault for not waiting not mine for not having a high enough level applicator.

    I am willing to take about 5 to 10 instant deaths if it gives me a chance to revive in a useful area. I enjoy having a higher K/D but I'm willing to let it take a hit if I can get revived in a tactically advantageous area. Are you thinking about the team or your K/D?

    Let me put it this way. If you stop being greedy yourself by forgetting about your K/D or the massive amount of wasted time (~10 seconds, sorry about the sarcasm but really???) is there any real disadvantage about being revived and then dying instantly once?
    As far as I can see the answer is no.
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  13. Tacos4Life

    I agree that being notified of a medic's in-progress rez would be helpful.

    I think being notified of a medic's presence may be useful (either way, you're still waiting to see if he'll rez you).

    I agree with informing the rezzed player of the amount of health he/she will be rezzed with.

    I also think that rezzes should sit in a queue, allowing the player being rezzed to decide between Medic A @ 100% health or Medic B @ 25% health.
  14. Grommy

    What's the best way to show this thread to the devs? Keeping it alive or posting it somewhere else? It'd be a shame if this suggestion would be lost under all those new threads... I'm not sure sending one of the devs a tweet would help, but any ideas?
  15. DuckSauce

    LOL. Until I get some situational awareness around my corpse, any death I suffer immediately on revive IS the medic's fault. Common situation: I get killed by one or two guys while I'm close to good cover. I hear some friendly and enemy gunfire, gunfire stops. Then I get a rezz request. "Oh good!" I think. "My friendly Combat Medic finished off the guy(s) I was fighting and is picking me up!" I stand up at 20% and am one-shot killed by the same guy who killed me ten seconds ago.

    As for 20% vs 100% health making no difference: what? I've played this game long enough to know to have my finger on the Shift key as soon as I click "Accept". Even under relatively light fire, I can make it around a corner on a 100% rezz if I wasn't in a terrible position to start with -- I get at least 100ms (and probably more like 200) before people react to my standing up, plus whatever TTK is at 50% health (about another 250ms). With a 20% rezz, I basically only get the enemy's reaction time as a buffer before I eat one bullet and am back on the floor.

    Time: I'm not going to argue that zerglings don't wait to be healed after rezzes, because I obviously spent some time getting my own applicator to 6.

    K/D: Five to ten deaths? Are you sure you aren't exaggerating? In the time it takes for me to die and be rezzed five times by a low-level medic, I can usually jog back from the Sunderer. If I'm fighting without a Sundy or hard spawn, I'm usually with a coordinated squad and not getting rezzes from low-level medics anyway.

    And how about frustration? I'm a low-K/D, high-score-per-hour kind of guy, and the last thing I'm thinking of when I'm instakilled on rezz is my K/D. I get more joy (and XP) out of streaks, and if I'm dead that streak's already over. But I'm not supposed to be irritated that I get to play Loading Screen Simulator for another ten or fifteen seconds because the guy reviving me didn't know his role? He's got to learn it somewhere, true -- but not that way and not from me. There is a wealth of information available on the forums and many players in-game are happy to give out tips if they're asked.

    I'm sure some percentage of low-level rezzes are from people trying to be helpful, and some are just from greed -- I'm not going to argue the numbers, because I have no idea and it doesn't matter. If this weren't a problem, the ham-fisted solution of invulnerability on revive would never have come onto the table.
  16. Lavalampe

    Believe me, it matters. An averange carbine deals 143 damage. So if i will be revived with 125 hp (25%) i will die with the next bodyshot. If i will be revived with 500 health i'm able to take 4 bullets until I die again. And the longer revive is both bad for the medic who needs to stay ~3 seconds there and the revived person who has to be healed after that for an additional 1-2 seconds.

    And the disadvantage you are asking for is, that the medic could revive/kill more guys in this time without standing dumb in place.
  17. asdfPanda

    SOE put it in the game! You can now see if you are attempting to be revived.
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  18. Gary

    Confirmed. When on the deployment screen if you are being revived it says so under the deployment button and tells you who it is.
  19. Grommy

    Fantastic! I guess we can close this thread now. Thanks SOE :)