Daybreak Punishing the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Pacster3

    Even if it was as horrible as you claim...seriously, I just can't feel sorry for you after you abused the hell out of it for several years.

    And no, I know that you still can instakill c4 fairies and the other factions still can't(no matter how much luck they have). I as well know that all factions should need some aim...unfortunately it seems like you believe NC shouldn't need any while TR and VS always somehow have perfect aim(it's something the VS players are born with...and you always get when playing VS as it seems...while you somehow lose it when playing NC. Miracles happen.). Pretty odd, Mr. Bias.
  2. Beerbeerbeer

    I do best fighting the VS, regardless if I’m playing NC or TR. The entire empire is garbage. The weapons, the players, the population. It’s easy-mode fighting the VS.

    If you’re on emerald, with your NC character, do nothing but fight the VS. Your perceived balance problem will be solved and I’m dead serious, emerald VS are cupcakes, figuratively and literally.
  3. Blackweb

    I have lost interest in the NC Anti-Infantry MAX. The NC AI MAX is no longer worth the resources. If I need up close AI, I use Heavy Assault/Jackammer. I get more kills with a Jackhammer than a MAX now. That is how bad the NC MAXs are after the nerf.
  4. VeryCoolMiller

    nc maxes have been op as **** since release.... the incredible thing is that it took 6 years to devs to nerf them and that nc players are now complaining against one of the most obvious rebalance this game needed.
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  5. Silkensmooth

    I just dont understand the tears and trying to justify being able to ohk with a vehicle that can go inside base rooms. All you have to do is stand in the corner of the room with slugs and collect points.

    I understand that it sucks when they take away the crutches and make you walk again.

    I still see scat maxes outt here and they still tear it up.

    Don't see a problem.

    Try playing something else. Max is pretty cheesy in the first place. Based on the vid in your sig you are good at aiming and sniping. Also cheesy but you still have other ways to play.
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  6. Silkensmooth

    Plus you guys DO realize the max should never have been put into the game? That a lot of devs didnt want it in?

    Its so unfun to play against. Still is unfun to play against.
  7. Liewec123

    Do you understand the concept of pellet spread Pacster?
    You're like "oh you just need to aim! All maxes need to aim!"
    Yes but only ONE max sprays their precious tickle damage pellets,
    If you're TR and VS aiming directly at a guy 10m away you will hit him, I repeat YOU WILL HIT HIM.
    Your gun deals 167 damage? The bullet hits, that guy takes 167 damage,
    Do the same thing with NC, and depending on your weapon you can lose a huge chunk of your damage simply from pellet spread.
    Even before taking into account NC colossal damage drop off already kicking in by 8m.
    You're losing damage simple because your shotguns spread pellets.

    Because they were designed to be cqc powerhouses, pellet spread made for a good mechanic to limit their range.
    Yet here we are, they are no longer CQC powerhouses yet still have all of the drawbacks...
  8. Pacster3

    I still see them being able to instakill and definitely clean a room faster than any other MAX. I don't know what you are talking about. And they still got their shield to hide behind. Isn't running from the enemy a great and powerful fighting ability for capture and hold...ah wait...that only counts for magriders. Hypocrits... ;-)
  9. Liewec123

    if you're going to lie, atleast make it a believable one...
  10. strikearrow

    I must agree that it feels like the NC have the worst gear.

    Reaver = worst ESF hands down
    Max = now the worst hands down

    I guess they have good shotguns, but there are NS OHK shotguns. They have the Vanguard, which is a good tank, but not clearly the best. Otherwise NS weapons pretty much give all factions equality.

    DBQ should just give all factions the same gear. They clearly lack the skill to balance between factions.

    you have no loyalty. Loyality until dead
  12. The Shermanator

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks this. MAX suits don't really belong in the game, period. They're just bigger and better infantry with no real downside. You just pull them when you need to bump up your KDR.
  13. HomicideJack

    So the NC whining begins. Man, I distinctly remember a few years back when they cried and lamented about how OP the vulcan was, then they just about ruined it. Then it was the Gatekeeper. Just because their vanguards couldn't hack it at range (where they aren't meant to win anyways) or got outplayed by an objectively inferior tank.

    Now it's come full circle and they're whining about a fully justified nerf that's been 6 years past due. The victim complex is unreal. Someone above actually had the audacity to say the Reaver is the worst ESF? Are you high? The Reaver is easily the strongest of the three, and that is an undeniable fact since it's the preferred crutch vehicle for skyknights. Vanguard? Best tank anywhere under 200 meters, which isn't a hard place to get to.
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  14. Twin Suns

    Honestly, I love Max haters. They way they cry when I exterminate them. Sending me salty tears.'re NC Maximus was supposed to be nerfed into oblivion!!!

    Stop dying to my weak, underpowered and obviously nerfed NC Max. Run the other way when you see me scrubs.

    Max Punch with a middle finger thrown in. Git Gud!

    P.S. special shoutout to all N-G's. You Rock!!!
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  15. Clay

    Heavy Assaults don't really belong in the game, period. They're just better infantry with no real downside. You just pull them when you need to bump up your KDR.

    OR replace HA with any other thing in planetside you want to hate against
  16. The Shermanator

    HA has plenty of downsides. It's not a MAX, for example.

    Max is just a better HA.
  17. Crash Bandicoot

    Not true.

    No real downside?? Do you fathom what you just said? Do you even play the game?

    If a MAX and a HA face each other in a 50m range battle, for example, the HA has the upper hand and will probably win. What's your point?
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  18. Liewec123

    even across a room, the HA will win that encounter with a single AV nade and decimator shot,
    the severe NCmax damage drop off and pellet spread pretty much ensures his survival to everything except perhaps mattocks.
  19. Silkensmooth

    Not sure i quite agree about the reaver. The scythe is probly the best ESF with 8k pixel frontal hitbox vs 14k for the reaver.

    But yeah if you can aim the reaver is a beast. I recently calculated the dps of the 3 ESF and for stock noseguns it goes:

    Mosquito needler 1875 dps

    Scythe saron laser cannon 1952 dps

    Reaver 2112 dps.

    The mosquito is the worst ESF at least in dogfights as it has a 12k pixel frontal hitbox which is only slightly smaller than a reaver's and it has the lowest dps.

    Not only that but the mosquito has the worst ascend speed while in hover mode. Cant even flip itself over like the other ESF unless you are moving forward in which case it has the best ascend rate.

    The scythe has by far the smallest frontal hitbox and the second highest dps nosegun,

    I only have about 4k kills with reaver noseguns 12k with scythe noseguns and something like 19k with mosquito.

    In the mosquito if you and your opponent are equal in terms of aiming ability you lose every time.

    Anyway sorry to go off topic, just had to flap a little.
  20. Pacster3

    That's true. Unless of course the MAX is a NC with a shield. But hey, let's ignore that. ;-)