After a loud gameplay on this rifle, i noticed there is defin. something wrong.... Description says it has been used and bring to glory by a team of Sniper Medics... Now (forget about HOW THE HELL SHOULD BE A SNIPER MEDIC, i mean how could u heal ur own unit 2km far from them), just focus on statistics... 1) Long Range Rifle: FALSE!!! It has a really average muzzle speed, low damage/meters and a really huge vertical recoil, believe me, even a galting could be much more suitable with a 4x scope!! 2) HEATING SYSTEM: WOW really good!! No, NOT AT ALL!!! Unlimited ammo is useless if u can't reload/cillout the firing system, if u overheat it, u have tu wait 3 ******* seconds before shoot again?? 3 seconds!!, it means same time of 3 knife hit after a crossbow shot... Really nonsensed feat, u can shoot how the hell u want, but in real fatcs u can't at all! And considering how useless the "Long Range Stats" are, u will run out of ammo without getting a single kill after 30m. 3) Not even a burst selector?? Cmon!! U gave ecplise a dammit underbarrel shotgun and u won't give a medic a 3x 2x burst option??? it is just a bad copy of Pulsar!! U didn't a ***** to craft something interesting!! Please, start to Balance the game instead of Op 1/3 faction every time... (And all real players know which faction i mean!)
If only i had 1€ every time i heared these words... Omg i could buy daybreak tomorrow! You are right, it is not that bad, it is even WORST!
It's a good rifle. Great for short to mid range. A lot of what you complained about is addressed here, and the stats say different. Though this thread is more a complaint than a suggestion, it sounds like you need to play to the weapons strengths rather than treating it like just another AR. Burst fire. It saves lives.
there is only one thing i dont get about the 3 heat weapons: LMG: - will cool down, even while you are using another weapon or a Medkit or while you are dead and waiting the 10sec before you press accept for the revive. - still 7,2sec for a 50round weapon is very long. not even the saw or the carv do have such long long reloads. AR: - will only cool down, as long as you keep it in your hands. if you switch to something else the 3 sec will start again the moment you equip it again - 3sec for a 698rof/143dps/30round per mag weapon is relative long and such a magazine is relatively easy overheated (thats why those weapons have a faster reload normally). --> take weapons like the MSW-R and Orion for excample: 750rof/143dps/50rounds per mag and only 3,3sec long reload. - infinit ammo or not, if your pants are always down because your primary is so often overheated you will not live long enough to enjoy the heat mechanic. carbine: - can be reloaded like the default carbine with the same short and long reload times but has unlimited magazines - the animation makes no sense but the reload times are fair. the eclipse had a cool down mechanism like the darkstar for a very short time and im happy its gone, because no weapon with such a damage profile (698rof/143dps/30rounds) should have such a long "reload". i think all heat weapons should have the cool down mechanics of the darkstar (AR) but, while overheated the "long reload", so the full cooldown, shout only 0,5sec longer than the long reload of the default weapon its based on.
Sorry, u really have a far far point of view from me, and a great lack of self opinion.... This is not supposed to be a MID-SHORT range rifle as u are saying (HV45 is what u are talking about for example) and as Plastikfrosch is trying to explain is absolutely RIGHT!! U can't enjoy unlimited ammo if u can't chilldown the heating core!!! It is outrageous! It's like to say: I give a 500.000 high speed car for free, use it as u want, just one downside, u can't shift on speed power lol... Not balanced at all, sorry! And firing stats are near to a bad joke.
Auraxium guns aren't usually the best guns in their categories, they're showpieces. The darkstar is a good gun, though. The cooldown mechanic is very powerful if you know how to use it.
Why can't we all get heat mechanic weapons.... They seem different and cool. (well at least let only engies have them)
GOD the Darkstar is nice if you use it right! The strongest point to all heat mechanic weapons: You can fire til overheat it, swap to your pistol and gun down a guy or two, then swap back to your primary for a FULL WEAPON AGAIN WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO RELOAD!!! It's AMAZING. On top of that, the biggest thing that often gets medics killed is running out of ammo. They don't have to worry about running out of healing between encounters, so the thing that's the real danger is burning through your ammo too fast. The bandolier ties up the armor slot, which is a severe cost on any class that has unlimited and free healing, so having the ability to run ASC or Nanoweave on top of INFINITE ammo is a special bonus that you don't see on any other medic weapon to date.
+1'd just for your sig. Not used the Darkstar myself so can't comment personally, but like pretty much every other auraxium weapon it seems to share very mixed opinions.
Can't wait to finish my Darkstar grind. Only 1000 kills left with 2 weapons (500 each - Terminus and CME).
Finished grinding it, it is awesome weapon except for a mid/long range its vertical recoil is just bad. Overal very useful weapon after those damn grinding.
Darkstar doesnt have the perk of cooling down when not equipped, you're thinking of the Battlegoose. If you overheat your Darkstar, wait 1.5 seconds, and switch to your secondary for any length of time, when you return to the Darkstar, it will reset the cooldown, and force you to wait the 3 seconds to cool down. That's why you hear people complain about the Betelgeuse all the time, while almost nobody complains about the Darkstar.
Oh, I was told that they all got this feature. Sorry about that! (The only VS directive weapon I've ever gotten to use so far is the battlegoose.)
The best uses I've found for Darkstar is it's pretty good for: Suppression. You can fire small bursts at a doorway or hallway infinitely. Peaking corners. You can stay ADS and peak around corners or duck behind boxes and fire infinite volleys at enemies. Best of all is if you're dropping into enemy territory to hold down a point, and are just playing support for your squad, not having to worry about ammo is nice. It really is just a mediocre support weapon.
Maybe one day, directive ARs will be powerful enough to seriously warrant using, but that day is far off.
Most of the directive weapons are only slight changes to existing guns. So much so that its not even worth it. I remember looking at a directive lmg and compared it to a normal one and the only difference was 5 meter increase. Seriously why even bother. The only interesting thing is the heat mechanic and even that isnt worth the directive grind.