Darker Nights CANCELED

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ForeFront0fFear, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. ForeFront0fFear

    Good job SOE.

    Why is it that nothing ever cool, fun or unique makes it into a video game?

    Everyone is always trying to copy the other guy and never tries something new because, god forbid some people might not like it. You know that's great an' all but, you're ignoring the majority of players who actually will enjoy it and are in fact, calling for it.

    There is no night and day in this game! There's yellowish day and bluish day (with washed out tracers).

    I mean come on SOE get your heads out of your *****! Your community is asking for darker nights, and you choose to ignore them because it would actually take effort to implement. Because its easier for you to turn your head the other way!

    But, but, we can't have darker nights because COD, and Battlefield don't have dark nights, our players aren't used to that, people might cheat, we wouldn't want to offend anyone,...

    By all means keep doing EXACTLY what you're doing and wonder why your "innovative" FPS is losing players!


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  2. Nocturnal7x

    Obviously they were just too lazy to fix vanu's blackness.
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  3. Chewy102

    **** you OP for making me think this was real.

    One dev talking about cheating around dark nights does not mean they are canceled.
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  4. Geneaux

    They choose to ignore(a truly ABYSMAL) amount of suggestions. This is no different.
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  5. ForeFront0fFear

    What makes you think this is not real? This developer has been the only communication between the community and the Dev team about darker nights. So him saying its not happening, at least any time soon is Darker Nights being cancelled. I apologize if I mislead you in anyway but I think its pretty clear what he is saying here.
  6. Ganelon

    Because fighting Vanu in darker nights would be fun.

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  7. Chewy102

    He and the rest of the devs are just worried about the negatives. I can't find anything about dark nights getting pulled, yet.

    They need to think about how this will effect both new and old players. Old players can deal with a change like this. But New players might not. Take Day Z for example. When a server goes dark there, it dies. Why? Because of NVGs, kill on sight crap, and fear ruining the game. NVGs are just god mode in that mod at night, KOS crap is bad enough in day time, and fear of dark is good old fear haunting the backs of your mind. The devs are thinking of a "what if" like that happening in PS2. I know of a few people that would quit from this or just choose to log off. I think they are just having a bit of a hissy fit but there are people like that.

    I am ALL for dark nights coming back as a Beta player and one that knows what they are like. But I am a player that also likes a challenge. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are some of my favorite games and they just **** on you for any mess ups. I am not like most players. Most players are sadly those that like easy games. BF4 just came out and another COD is due, I think, Tuesday for crying out loud. Those games are real threats to PS2 and the devs know this. More so their bosses know this and are likely putting a bit of pressure on the devs. If dark nights look to threaten the game then it is a real fear.

    It is by no small chance that O:MFG is being done now. The game needed a tune up but Id think that BF4 and COD:G is a bigger factor. The devs can't afford to **** the game up and have a bit of fear in them about turning away new players from a bad start if they just so happen to start at night.

    To be honest. Starting in a dark night is NOTHING to the *** kicking old new player system. That being a drop pod into the current biggest fight without even a chance to open the options menu or any type of explaining about the game. Id add in something simple for night time into the tutorial if that is what the devs are worried about. You have to remember something. This age in time, darkness almost doesn't exist from light pollution and I would bet that a LOT of people never seen true dark before. That **** is scary.

    Sorry if I sounded a bit rash though.
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  8. gigastar

    Fact of the matter was the night could be completely bypassed by cranking up gamma and brightness.

    For it to make a proper return it would have to have an equal result on everyone, no matter that thier settings might be.

    Until that problem is solved, darkening the night is only going to affect some people, while most will likely not notice.
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  9. CrashB111

    Because the idea of Vanu being even more invisible in the dark is so appealing to me.
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  10. Lagavulin

    Big deal.
    On the long list of things that could do with addressing/dev-time in this game, darker nights should come way down near the bottom.
  11. Cinnamon

    They should do something about people logging off when it goes dark or quitting and playing something else. They should be forced to stay in game and be farmed by vanu in default camo and smg infiltrators. It's for the good of the game.
  12. HadesR

    From a /yell by Higby on the PTS Friday they are tweaking the darkness 2moro .. I fully expect the nights to be darker than they currently are on Live ... BUT they will not be as dark as a people want nor will they be " simulation " levels of darkness a very few people want.
  13. chilly154

    So what if vanu is more dark at night. It is just color people. Just like in real life.
  14. gigastar

    I agree.
  15. RobotNinja

    You said, "But, but, we can't have darker nights because COD, and Battlefield don't have dark nights, our players aren't used to that, people might cheat, we wouldn't want to offend anyone"

    You're just making up strawman arguments as to why the devs aren't implementing darker nights right now when they already gave their reason for not adding it right now, because they want to focus on optimization first.

    And they're right. Their client is a crappy. It's so crappy, that PS2's sole anti-hack feature, the Crash Reporter, relies on the game client being such a massive piece of crap that players constantly crash. Once they crash, it sends SOE a list of all the programs/processes that player is running on their computer...although the cheaters just block the crash reporter from sending reports and SOE doesn't do anything about the players who are eerily good whose crashes are logged but they've never received a crash report from them oddly.

    What's more the PS2 multi-hacks have an always day feature that completely cancels out the night cycle already.

    And at any rate, darker nights doesn't mean a whole lot when everyone has proximity radar, radar darts and can just spam Q and watch all the enemies light up on their screen.
  16. Pie Chasm

    If it were true he'd be right though. This game has so much more relevant **** to get right, like ensuring balanced opposition, the ability to actually find people to shoot at and above all performance.

    Dark nights.. I mean... that's wonderful, but I can and will abuse the gamma setting as will the majority of the playerbase, especially those who struggle to run the game at higher settings (or does gamma do nothing?).

    Dark nights shouldn't be a priority.
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  17. Torok

    It's okay this way, as we discussed before the game wasn't ready for darker nights, maybe one day, but now they have a lot of stuff to do before working on proper illumination and lightnings.

    Happy this won't make it live, anyway since release I've been playing on the highest graphical settings and the dark is dark enough for me to hinder my vision, If it's not like this for you too you're either too good or not playing with the highest settings.
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  18. FIN Faravid

    As much as i want darker nights, it is true people might just abuse gamma settings. Perhaps when devs find a way to prevent that we can get darker nights.
  19. sagolsun

    Valid point. Adding dark nights is one thing, but more effort needs to be put into making them a viable gameplay mechanic.

    Points I'd like addressed:

    - Some clever shader programming to make gamma/contract adjustments ineffective at turning you into a human owl
    - Some map design changes, adding lights
    - Tweaking IRNV and NV mechanics, as well as flashlights
  20. IronWarrior

    Thank the Loli-Gods that the VS didn't get the buff.