Dark Skyes [XDSX] Is back and here for your freedom!

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Dnuts175, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. Dnuts175

    Do you hate civil liberties?
    Decision making?

    Then have no fear because joining Dark Skyes will be the last decision you ever make.

    My name is DSxDnuts175 and I am the "Supreme Dictator General of Recruitment and Random Executions" and we want to show you the other side of Planetside 2. The other side of Planetside 2 is the fun of rolling with a close group of people that you will eventually call your friends while spilling the blood of your enemies.

    Dark Skyes is a mature gaming community that was founded in 2003 during the Planetside 1 days. We operate in squad/platoon size elements and pride ourselves on turning the tide of battle through organized teamplay and the power of friendship.

    We primarily focus on infantry ground operations but we are no strangers to running tank columns to flank the enemy or gathering a large air wing to decimate an unsuspecting enemy force.

    The bottom line is that we are medium size force, causing a large amount of devastation through teamwork.

    Most importantly, our main goal is that you and all of our members have fun.

    Still questioning our legitimacy? We have a website and a youtube video, they don't just give those to anybody.

    If you are interested in joining the Dark Skyes brotherhood then do the following.
    -Visit us at our website www.darkskyes.com
    -Fill out an application on the forums and introduce yourself (we ask that members be 18 or over....or be mature for your age)
    -Join us on our dedicated teamspeak3 server. Address is dark-skyes.teamspeak3.com NO PASSWORD
    -Come join the fight and have fun.

    Teamwork is overpowered!!!

  2. Efraim

    bringing a whole new level of crazy to a battlefield near you
  3. BiGBlaze

    Our enemies see terror from the Skyes and hell on the horizon.
  4. Azgeroth

    AV rocket nests, MAX crashes, harasser strikes, bombing runs, strategic gal drops, sundy road trips... you name it we do it, but we do it with fun as a primary objective. we dont mind one-way trips but we try to avoid getting farmed. play the class you want, drive the vehicle you want but enjoy the coordination and direction of an organized group.
  5. Efraim

    farming the farmers
  6. OdinsPride

    Great running with you last night Dnuts! DS is always bringing the pain, and your guys are always welcome to fight with The Dread Legion anytime....
    • Up x 1
  7. OdinsPride

    As always DS, it was a pleasure tonight. Real class act by both Dnuts and Xeena! Thank you both for running Bravo squad and helping us beat up on the enemy...
  8. OdinsPride

    Bump for a kick *** outfit! You will never realize how much *** you are kicking with these guys because you are too busy having fun...

    Shout out to Dnuts and Xeena: if you guys want to this a regular thing (or if you don't have enough guys on at some point) tell your soldiers that The Dread Legion will welcome their presence in our squads. I know that's what I'm telling my guys...
  9. Dnuts175

    Sounds good Odin, always fun running with you guys.
  10. illuminati

    Very organized bunch of players, and humble guys.

    had a lot of fun playing with them over the past month or so. If you are looking for an outfit that is fun and you want to learn how to be a good player check out Darkskyes.
  11. OdinsPride

    The Dread Legion always gives respect where respect is due. These guys deserve it. Great teammates and great people.

    DS is always welcome to run with us anytime.