Dalton projectile impact changes needed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rusky, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Rusky

    As a regular tank driver I can't help but cuss out in anger whenever I'm killed by a Dalton from so high I can't even see it.

    But that's not the point of this post.

    The point is, that when this occurs, I usually hear these light, innocent sounding "plinks" that sound very much like small arms fire, and it's usually too late for me to notice that those light plinks just got me from 100% to flaming or dead.

    Please consider making the impact sound from inside a tank match the threat level. Ie. MAKE IT BIG BADA BOOM !
    • Up x 3
  2. JonboyX

    Hah. Agreed. So many times I've been driving a sundy along, taken "small arms fire" and then seemingly just died. It's only when you see the kill screen that you realise the gun fire was a massive bomb. Sound intensity should = damage taken.
    • Up x 1
  3. Kite Carling

  4. Lt Hills

    Yeah I agree. This is especially irritating when you get out to repair and you have no clue what's going on - the vehicle's hp just arbitrarily drops 20% every second with barely a sound.
  5. MiZrY

    Would be nice to know that a large shell is bombarding your tank, but if you have been targeted by a Dalton you are probably screwed anyways lol
  6. Dusty El Lion

    Also the render distance. It works both ways pilots! Has anyone noticed that sometimes you don't even see or hear the dalton explode? Your health just drops like 50 points?
  7. Reloaded

    Yes. I always have trouble knowing what just hit me, and unless I'm glued to my vehicle health bar, I end up dead when something devastating hits.

    I don't like to bring up other games when speaking of this one, but... BF3 had this problem at first as well. All damage had the same basic sound. Then they added new sounds that were much better at telling you just how much damage you took. This game needs that as well IMO.
  8. Flharfh

    Totally agree, and part of the problem is that you can't even tilt the view up high enough to see aircraft directly above you. I'm not talking about being able to point the gun up that high, just being able to look straight up in the air.
  9. Vorpal

    Absolutely agreed.