Daily reminder of cheater situation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tZonkD, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. tZonkD

    So.. I log in fiddle a bit with my equip and then head for a biolab under siege. SCU is destabilized, strange since the shield is up. Oh well, maybe gen was repaid just before or sth, stabilized it.

    I play as medic; I see some skull and bones icons towards one of the airpads, head that way to resurrect those allies. Carefully i approach the opening ADSing with HS/NS looking for infiltrators on the hunt, none there. I bring out the medic tool and head towards the friendly fallen. as soon as i get close, boom headshot. And the location is such that it would be *very* hard to shoot from the ground, and I already did secured the pad and the surroundings. Oh well lucky shot perhaps, i try again. Same thing. Great another effin aimbotter.

    Generator alarm goes off, head towards it some allies already there (quite a few actually) some sitting on top of the gen, some shooting the floor around it. Sigh, why does ppl act so silly in this ga.. generator alarm goes off. What the f...? The one sitting on top of is stabilize it, rinse and repeat. Apparently threes some lurk either inside the floor or just plain invisible. (given the game's a mmo and the network strain that means im guessing the its first case and that because mentioned strain is commonly eased by giving the client some control over its movement and collisions. but that's just me speculating.)

    This is not even a particularly bad day. A bad day is one of those *very well known cheats that's been reported fifty eleven thousand times and sill not got banned* (you know who they are, unless /report is just -> /dev/null'd) show up and starts nuking everything with their favorite exploit/hakk.

    Now as a game developer myself i can understand that its hard and time consuming to cover all bases, especially in a game with so many players and so much to gain by cheating. However NOT GIVING ENOUGH OF A DAMN TO INVESTIGATE AND BAN THE ONES FREQUENTLY REPORTED IS JUST DOWN RIGHT WRONG. Quite a few ppl put their real money into station cash for game items, this is how you reward them? Or for that matter, the "free" players that spend days and days grinding up that new upgrade just to get obliterated by someone giving them a third eye with a handgun from across the continent.


    This message (without the prelude) will be repeated each day until SOE either ban me, and if this happens I suggests someone else 'picks up the touch', or makes a notable effort to deal with the cheating. Thanks for your time.

  2. Nathaniak

    /report is designed for chat violations, and not for cheaters. Instead, take a video or something and file a support ticket. Even giving the cheater's name will probably suffice, as it informs the mods where to look.
  3. TheWolf1973

    1.) You call your self a developer, so you should know that spamming the forums will get you no where.
    2.) SOE does go after cheaters, but do it stealthily. If enough folks have reported a cheater he/she/it will get banned.
  4. MarkAntony

  5. xMihr

    Been there, done that. Submitted a ticket, did /report, added damning proof of it with a screenshot in said ticket and the guy is still happily playing. Complete waste of time on my part to try and help keep the community decent.
  6. tZonkD

    I did not know /report was designated for that, good to know. However i would then suggest a /command to quickly and easily call upon mods/devs attention. That said tough, its quite impossible that the situation is unknown as its been this way since i started playing the game and likely "long" before too.

    The point im making is that the game developers need to take a active stance against the cheating. As is, it seems they are more concerned fiddling with balance and whatnot then this rather game breaking problem.
  7. tZonkD

    This post is not primarily aimed at the developers, for that i use different channels (with reference to it). Its intended to mobilize the player base to use the only means of power we have to force action, not purchasing/spending SC, until some sign of action is seen. As for #2, i see the same cheaters still up and about at was there when i first started playing, so i wonder on what you base this statement.
  8. jeuvisage

    Reporting them doesnt matter, they'll just create a new account. I am sure 0OlI951... was aimbotting in this fight at Ti Alloys. He was running all over the base slaughtering everyone on sight. I ran in to him numerous times and was instakilled each time. His low BR and deliberately difficult name further confirms my suspicions. I dunno about Psykopath, his kdr in the fight is rather suspicous too. I didnt run in to him at all though, so who knows if he was in a Liberator or doing something else legit.

    I havent spent one cent on this game and dont intend to until SOE gets its act together and fix problems like cheaters, the flicker bug, and other major issues instead of focusing on money grabs like SMGs.

  9. tZonkD

    It seems some attention is given, after all. Will be interesting to see if this improves the situation.
  10. SaviorOfDirt

    I don't know what to call you... a fatalist? a martyr? In any way: don't do it. It's not like you'd tell them anything they're not already aware of and constantly working on. You'd be just yelling in their ears. No one likes that.

    If SOE really wouldn't care enough, the servers would be FLOODED with those douchebags. But that's not the case, so...
  11. Zer0range

    Make a video and save it for later report (when the player has reached level 100).
  12. Tuco

    quad annual (or quarterly) reminder of the you will never fix camping situation so bring back the PS1 cloaking AMS and PS1 CE.
  13. Nacasatu

    While I can't say if Psykopath was or was not using some sort of hacks and I don't know the guy at all, I will say that I've come up against him on numerous occasions in 1v1 fights also many times - he just comes across as a good player. I reckon we're both 50/50 in regards kills/deaths on each other at this stage, I honestly wouldn't think he's a cheater.
    0o0o0 is my NC alt on Helios btw.
  14. Amodin

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. Read the patch notes today and they already confirmed before that it does more than that.
  15. Bluetalon

    umm... I'd probably agree with the weird name but the to say that someone was cheating based on a high K;D ratio is pretty stupid. For all you know he was casually sniping people from the back of the pack or running a HE lightning and farming a sundy spawn or sitting on the rear gun of a libby.

    Please dont paint people who play the game well or do well as cheaters.For the record, I play a sniper very often. I can make long ranged shots from some crazy angles, and generally find places to hide and shoot where you wouldnt expect me. If you get headshotted by an LA or HA from a stupid distance and location then sure, it may be a bit suss but an sniper is meant to blow your brains out without you knowing about it.

    Lastly, spamming gets you nowhere and only makes people dislike you and ignore your message. You want to do something, do what Zer0range said, make videos and post them up with time, date and server details to give the mods/devs all the info they need to find the hacker/cheater and take action.
  16. tZonkD

    How is labeling "what i am" even remotely relevant?

    Obviously they don't want to hear it (and i doubt they even read general posts), i am however of the opinion that it is a problem that needs to be of topmost priority. Tell me what use tweaking balance and adding features is when the games unplayable due to cheating? Current mechanics does not seem effective, so something else needs to happen to rise the issue high enough. And as i said above, this thread is not (directly) meant for the developers.

    If you feel the solution is to keep paying and ignoring the rampant cheating situation, please feel free. Possibly the server i play on is worse then the one you use. The one i play on IS rather bad. You'r also with that statement assuming that a very large percent of the player base would cheat if they just could, i do not believe that to be the case.

    I, and i hope most legit players, want the cheating dealt with. If that means shouting the obvious and trying to rally ppl to use the means at their disposal to force attention to the matter, so be it. Now, since the current patch DOES have at least one small point to it addressing the topic here, i will hold off for a while and see how things develop.
  17. Aisar

    Come on man, you are going into crazy person territory now. You can't possibly expect SOE to take you seriously or pay attention to you.
  18. Bagginz

    I'm not sure what you're talking about, because I play on Helios and I've seen blatant cheaters speeding around ****** everyone, and they do not last very long at ALL in there. Last time it happened the guy couldn't have been around for more than like an hour. If you ask me that's pretty damn impressive. On BF3 I've seen guys rage servers nonstop and nothing happens at all.

    In my opinion the mods in this game do a damn good job.
  19. capocapone

    when i played Fallen earth for about a month i was hipped to a site that sold a bot you ran while playing and keymaped it to turn on and off, and you payed 5 bucks a month to use...anyway am sure these guys are doing this and from the same site.most of sonys games are listed there..just sayin they never had a good hack shield or anything,they dont even use punkbuster..so what does that tell you. they can care less.long as you dump some cash in the pot.And to top it off most just wanted kinda like a bf3 kinda game with a mmo side to it like this...most dont even like the laser guns and whatnot.And soon as it becomes like ps1 did,you know there was a ps1 it will be just like it...dead..I hope it does better then ps1 but its pop is kinda the same as ps1 was..and its free so its not pickin up that much in terms of players anyway.So what am sayin is if sony cared they would prevent these bots from being used by looking into them and the sites..and you cant say they dont know what they are...i mean i played a game were everyone was cheating if they were not"noobs" that was fallen earth and they did nothing about it and sony is kinda the same when it comes to hackers,with them your get banned for Tking a few times before hacking
  20. Killjoy2503

    we have several notorious hackers on Cobalt.. All which run around freely.

    How about active ingame mods on each server, to instantly view any reported player from first view perspective?

    Instead of a flawed and failed system, in which the consumer(player) itself actively has to REPORT players that are blatantly hacking?

    Why does Sony not step up and watch their game ACTIVELY from blatant and obvious hackers?