Daily Deal?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Planetdoge, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Planetdoge

    Twitter.com/PS2DailyDeals (no affiliations with SOE, I know) says that the Eridani/Cyclone/Armistice are on sale for 99 SC. But in game it's 630 SC? I thought daily deals were always 50% off? What is going on? lol
  2. tastyBerryPunch

    I got mine for 99SC.
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  3. Planetdoge

    What time did you buy it?

    I hope the 50% off to 10% off isn't going to be a permanent thing. I'm just confused right now.
  4. Solo59486

    I think you have to be a member to get the 99SC/1SC deals, either that or its a bug. I think everyone can get the boosts half off though.
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  5. MostlyClueless

    It's a bug. It should be 99SC but Patchday is being Patchday.
  6. tastyBerryPunch

    I bought it around 1 hour after the sale started.
  7. Planetdoge

    I'm hoping it's a bug. I think the Hornets are working correctly because that's a Members Only deal if I'm not mistaken. But the SMGs are a normal Daily Deal, which means they should at most be 350 SC under normal circumstances. Damn, I guess I should've stayed up until 2 am and bought the SMGs before the patch. lawl
  8. RadarX

    This is in fact a bug. It should be resolved very shortly so hold off on any purchase.
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  9. Planetdoge

    Thanks for the reply! Looking forward to the Cyclone and Eridani hehe.
  10. Paperlamp

    I am 1 SC short of being able to get 2 SMGs.


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  11. doombro

    It was 99 SC when I checked. However on the PTS, the daily deal discounts haven't been applied over the 10% member discount. Everything's been 630 SC there for a while now. I reported it while it was on PTS. Hopefully this will get more attention before it becomes a serious issue.
  12. Tayradactyl Developer

    It's fixed now, go for it.
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  13. Ronin Oni

    Is the super sale (99/1 SC deals) just for this weekend?
  14. Planetdoge

    It worked for the Cyclone, but after I bought that for 99 SC, I logged onto my VS character and the Eridani still shows up as 630 SC. Not sure if it's just a visual bug at this point, but I don't really want to risk it. :/
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  15. Tommyp2006

    Because you were unconsciously preparing for the libpocalypse
  16. Planetdoge

    Same thing for the Armistice. Still shows up as 630 SC. Anyone else having this problem?
  17. Paperlamp

    I did when I first logged in but they fixed it not too long after.

    I had a tough choice but went for armistice, trusting that I'll never be arsed to play NC/VS again since my TR has pulled ahead in certs to a degree I don't ever want to be without my super low acquisition timers, autorepair, nanoweave, C4 on multiple classes, etc. etc.
  18. Planetdoge

    Bump. This is still the case for me. :(
  19. doombro

    It's not fixed. Eridani still showing at 630.
  20. Tayradactyl Developer

    Yeah, looks like the fix got un-fixed. Our Marketplace coder is looking into it now.
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