Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by swiftkillsdoa, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. swiftkillsdoa

    we take all who want to join KDR is of no importance as our motto is death before dishonor as long as you can play and fight and want to work as a team

    we will be expanding to other server but as for now
    you can find us

    server searhus

    as for faction we will be going with the VS
  2. 843kNightmare

  3. aBitConfused

    Helpful hint...

    You really need to say which server and faction you're on...
  4. swiftkillsdoa

    we are in searhus but will expand
  5. swiftkillsdoa

    alriht now that things have started we here ar DOA are looking for tankers their whole job is to be support for ground troops pilots to transport ground troops and provide air support as well we take all who wish to join us must have a mic or at least be able to hear us 18 and over is preferred as we do talk about things little ones don't need to hear

    server searhus
    faction VS

    leader swiftkillsDOA psn ID swiftkillsdoa
    second in command Wheel4x4
    officer wiski

    we will see you on the battle field
    we don't like friendly killing but you shoot at us we will shoot back to kill so don't be a noob we will defend ourselves and others so is wee see you shooting a friendly squad mate will will take revenge