Cut the Gatekeeper rage!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MuggieWara, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Flag

    I don't think there was an adjustment.
  2. xMaxdamage

    LOL this forum is becoming better at no-sense than Sartre
  3. Shatteredstar

    Vortexes, you don't need to guide like Ravens because they are basically point and click to hit.
    What you dot think the lasher is any good? The only truly effective long range suppression weapon infantry has?!
    TR get scatmax? Like tr use your gen1 av for close approximation.
    On what? Maxes? You got the opposite, speed mobility and just as deadly (o the max) and horribly situationally useful depending on situation, for vehicles you gonna give up the ability to climb almost anywhere?
    Again, gonna give up the ability to dance and climb all over the place for it?

    Poor comparisons are poor.
  4. Shatteredstar

    Issue there is you're stepping gradually into easier and easier to field.

    Lancers free and pull able by any HA so you don't know how many can be pope out and harder to kill them all.
    Raven maxes are a step up that tree they cost but they can duck into cover much easier and are harder to hit than a full vehicle (especially at range)
    Prowlers are limited by map, terrain, size, and cost and are easier to hit and kill with the other options at the long ranges and are certainly not going to be in similar numbers to infantry or max suits in a large battle.

    That's why they aren't really equivalent. Even within a 200-300 meter mark the smaller options (infantry and max) are stronger due to more cover and easier to peek and damage before prowler coul kill and can be much more numerous at any given place.

    GK can take nerfing but TR would love some kind of decent long range AV on max or infantry that can perform similar to Ravens/lancer/vortex in effectiveness because why front load it ALL on vehicles
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  5. WetPatch

    Show me a stat with Vortex come out on top.
  6. WetPatch

    Congratulations, you have totally missed the point I was trying to make.
  7. MasterOhh

    Sorry dude, but the raw number of kills is worthless as an performence stat because is depends heavily on the number of players using a weapon. If you check the amount of uniques, the number of players who made at least one kill with the gatekeeper, you'll notice that the trend is equal to the graph of kills.
    That means, the gatekeeper didn't get less kills due to a ninja nerf, but because there were simply less players using this weapon.
    The Aphelion shows the exact same trend (declining number of kills) so we can be pretty sure, that the new shininess is wearing of for both weapons.

    The KPU for the GK Saron and Enforcer are almost even now, so at least the MBT version of the Gatekeeper is in a good spot right now.


    When it comes to harrassers, the GK is outperforming the Saron and Enforcer by quite a bit

    while the Aphelion-H and Mjolnir-H pretty much hit the Vulcan performance on spot.

    So DGC did a good job on giving NC and VS a Vulcan variant but slightly overdid it with the Saron/Enforcer equivalent for the TR.

    There is still the bug that gives you not audible and visible clue when you are being hit by the GK.
    So before we start calling for nerfs/buffs, that bug has to be fixed. I'd say I'd have died less to the GK if I'd noticed that I am being hit from the first shot on.
  8. Liewec123

    well raven range is capped around that of an engies AV turret,
    the only longrange death machines with no range limit would be lancer and prowler,
    while lancer is free and spammable it takes forever-and-a-day to kill things with it so you'll only be able to kill extremely bad vehicles,
    AP anchor prowler on the other hand has the best dps of anything in the game,
    combined with a velocity approaching that of some sniper rifles.

    i'm not disagreeing that there isn't a resource slope, but with that slope the power also increases.
  9. xMaxdamage

    Plot twist: One lancer full charged laser does more damage to a sunderer than a lock-on RL rocket.
  10. Mongychops

    ...And yet despite all the complaints by the TR, the Lancer and the Vortex are the least used (in uniques & play time) of all all the ESRLs and long range MAX AV, and the Lancer doesn't even make it onto the 30 days Q4 MBT deaths scoreboard, while the GK-H managed that in less than 10 days.
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  11. Flag

    Lasher is terrible. It has a niche yes, but even at that role it's only "ok" meanwhile being awful at everything else.
  12. xMaxdamage

    yes, the fact that pretty much no one knows that lancer does more damage per rocket against a sunderer (wrel also currently shows in his review that it needs 8 rockets, while it needs 5 to kill a sundy) surely has nothing to do with it being seen as a "team-only" weapon and being used by just few guys. (myself included)
  13. Flag

    Lancer is clunky to use in most situations relative to a good old reliable decimator rocket.
  14. xMaxdamage

    decimator is extremely better than lancer at what decimator does, but totally ineffective at what lancer does. the same works in the opposite direction obviously. they're not comparable weapons.
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  15. Shatteredstar

    I've loved the lasher since PS1, nothing else lets you piss off a whole room of people from across the base. I forget which on American but when the roof of spawn looks into one of the main assault doorways/rooms is gets amazing just throwing glowy death in there and watching the enemy just stop coming out.

    One good lasher user can slow a whole enemy push through a doorway because so many people are afraid of those glowy balls. I've tried doing suppression with chaingun at a door and it just doesn't hurt enough when they catch a bullet or two and you can't sustain it.

    For charging in and doing damage, nah it never will be good it has never ment to be good at that. Lasher is a support weapon and does what it is suppose to do wonderfully, injure and suppress. Can you get kills? Sure, but it is not a killing machine and never has been.
  16. xSalt

    If you want to play that game. Then I want the ability to gal drop a squad of prowlers on the top of a mountain right outside your warp gate. You are comparing the lancer to the prowler. One is 0 nanites and infantry based, the other is 450 nanites and a big *** vehicle/target for everything. The other, the raven, cost 450 also but has guidable rockets and can also go anywhere an infantry can go. Honestly, your comparison is laughable. And oh ya, I can only get my prowler at the warp gate, OR special vehicle pads IF we have a tech plant.

    Max based AV to max based AV
    Infantry based AV to infantry based AV
    MBT to MBT.

    And at flag. Enforcer has faster fire rate and more splash (I think) then the halbard, and a faster TTK in most situations. How is that worse than the halbard. Different yes, but worse? I don't think so. Just like the gatekeeper is not always better than the halbard in a given situation. The enforcer is also not always better than The halbard. Which is exactly as it should be, otherwise there is no point in having different weapons and we can all just go back to playing cod where we all have the exact same stuff.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    *Looks at lynx*
    *Looks at serpent*
    *Looks at gd-7f*

    We're already there.
  18. Flag

    What a lancer does is only really relevant in a few select situations. Most of the time the lack of a need to charge the launcher makes a decimator the go-to choice as a "standard choice" launcher. The only time I'd bring a lancer is if it's specifically for a lancer camp. Outside of that, I see a deci or even the S1 being a better choice. Or a nemesis.

    Nothing wrong with loving the concept, but that does not make it a good weapon.
  19. xSalt

    That's why we need to stop. If people really want the other factions toys that bad. Or hate there own so much, switch factions and quit ********. There is a counter for everything in this game. That's the way it is, and the way it should always be. TR have not had a counter to long range AV OTHER than the prowler (which can not always be pulled) in a long time. We have been getting bombarded by vehicles from range for a long time. For the first time we can respond, and the response equals a lot of dead vehicle drivers that were to used to not needing cover when fighting TR from range unless there was a prowler about. Now, instead of adapting there play style to avoid these new TR sniper harassers, you all cry nerf. And it honestly sounds like a bunch of kids mad that they lost there advantage of the water hose in a squirt gun fight.

    In another year this game is just gonna be blue NS vs red NS vs purple NS at the rate that faction traits are disappearing and being merged with one another.
  20. Stormsinger

    Last I recall, a 3-charge Lancer shot does the same damage as a lockon launcher shot, so that's the equiv of 2 lockons per lancer reload.

    At two 3-charge shots (at 3 seconds a charge), that's 6 seconds of charging and a 5 second reload, for a total of 11 seconds.
    A Hades fires instantly, and has a reload of 5.2 seconds. That's 11.4 seconds.

    11 seconds for the Lancer, 11.4 for a standard lockon, the damage output is similar over the same time.

    The Wiki lists 5 Hades shots to down a stock Sunderer, 5 rockets, 4 reloads. 20.8 second TTK for a standard lockon.
    For a Lancer to fire 5 shots, that's 5 shots x 3 seconds for charge time, and 3 reloads, at 5 seconds each. 30 second TTK.

    Despite the damage per reload of the Lancer being better then that of a standard launcher, a basic lockon still outputs damage faster over time (Whether or not this justifies the Lancer's effective range is another topic entirely, but this means that a Lancer is a significantly worse pick for simply carrying around in standard combat for AV purposes alone, not to mention the lack of infantry effectiveness.)

    Of course, I haven't done the math / TTK calcs on non 3-charge shots, but given that Sunderer's actually loose lancer resistance at higher charge levels, while the damage scales upwards linearly, I assume full-charges are generally best. I'd need to do the math to say for sure.
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