Current spawns create stupid gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crywalker, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Crywalker

    So there's a spawn in a biolab for the enemy. Spent about an hour and a half today shooting people coming out of it, occasionally getting killed by enemies that shoot from inside the shield at anything they can find in range.

    So, okay, it's a FPS, I guess I'm shooting things. But's really lame when you're practically playing whack-a-mole. The moles can shoot you which makes it..slightly more interesting or frustrating depending, but honestly I have to say the spawn rooms right now create some of the dumbest gameplay I've experienced in quite some time.

    And of course, I've been in that shielded room before too, and it's just as stupid. You either stay inside picking enemies off, or risk rushing out getting shot by overeager friendlies spamming out the exits along with the enemies.

    And it just goes on and on and on....
  2. Oreo202

    You could have you know... fought over the satellites...
  3. Lakora

    Well than stop trying to play whack-a-mole go afk until the cap or something if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to play whack-a-mole, no one is forcing you to stay inside a spawn room. Like it or leave it, in a game with constant respawn system this is bound to happen. So no matter how you look at it, you can't change it. Change the spawn room for bigger and they get more holes to pop out of, smaller and you'll have more guns pointing out of the holes.
  4. IMTasty

    Then go capture the hard-point/satellite that is connected to the teleporter. That way they wont be able to spawn there and the teleporter will be yours.

  5. Tasogie

    Why didnt you spawn elswhere an come back?, seems to me the stupidity is sitting there doing it. I always go do something while the idiot fringe all crowd round the spawn room, running up to shield an getting shot from inside. Most are so but **** stupid they cant seem to understand the fact you cant get through the shield.
    Not to mention the idiots inside are just as lemmings stupid.
  6. Shepherd

    Saurva is the worst offender for this. The jump pads to get to the aircraft platforms don't seem to work (Connery), which means that the ONLY way in are the two teleporters, who are promptly camped.
  7. UberBonisseur

    Still dumb when it's easier to defend a base by not fighting in it.

    The actual battle flow of this game is very unnatural. Holding ground is pointless. If you really wanted to defend properly, you would go away, grab a gal, and drop people on sundies.

    Best way to defend biolabs ? Ignore the base entirely, rush for the pads.
    Want to control satellites? Don't bother driving or using any means of ground transportation. Take the jump from another satellite, land on the pad, and run to the other jump to get thrown at the opposite side of the base

    It's just silly.
    Satellites were a good idea, because they reduced the AMS dependancy, but a very flawed execution
  8. TheInferno

    The way I've seen most caps go in the bio lab is this: Step 1, get all satellites. Step 2, get in to the bio lab and start killing the SCU gen and then the SCU itself. Step 3: Keep people out of the biolab.

    It makes sense. I mean, if this were a medieval game, the appropriate analogy is the attackers lay siege to the castle (satellites capped), take over the interior of the castle (indoor biolab fight, destruction of the SCU) and then prevent any enemies from getting into the castle by manning the walls/gates just as the defenders would (secure the satellites/pads)

    Really, what happens with bio labs is all of the sudden the attackers are now the defenders, which is why it flips around so hard and all the fighting goes back outside again. Is that a problem? I don't know. Apparently you say yes (that's an assumption) but I can't really see it.
  9. ClusterBomb

    They need to make defending more interesting, at the moment there is no reward for it and NO ONE defends, they will stay at the base to kill the enemy, but hey aren't there to defend.
  10. Crywalker

    So we should let them run out of the spawns to cap the points?
  11. SgtBreastroker

    I can understand the shield being up to prevent serious spawn camping at those huge engagements in the Bio Labs, but I really hate when you're trying to cap and the enemies do nothing but spam rockets out of those areas. They can kill you, but you can't even touch them. Once they fire from their spawn you should have every right to be able to retaliate.
  12. Lakora

    Oh, geez I don't know have you tried letting them come to you? Well I guess that wouldn't work since they'd actually have to leave the spawn room.

    Considering as long as the Whack-a-mole game is on they'll stay there trying to whack you. Pop your dead... Sounds familiar somehow. But currently there's no way to stop this double sided Whack-a-mole... Your suggestion would actually lead to the shields being useless since seriously how often don't people fire the first second they see a hostile? N to be fair there's really no difference between camping a spawn or camping a teleport. It's an endless whack-a-mole game as long as you can continously respawn... Nothing you can do about it without one side calling unfair.

    Besides if you don't like rockets well lets add an arming distance of what? 15m? Or is 10m for the UBGL? Don't use it so wouldn't know.
  13. Sifer2

    No you have some defend the points while others go destroy the AMS, and secure the satellites. That's the theory anyhow. In reality most are happy to just sit in the Biolab camping hoping to get a kill every now an then when someone bravely rushes forward. And seeing as the XP system revamp did not take the focus off of kills for XP instead of focusing the objectives that wont change.
  14. BlackDragonFun

    I think the current spawn room designs are terrible, as it does just turn into a game of whack-a-mole, and encourages defenders to shoot out from the spawn room due to the one way shields.

    I'd prefer PS1 spawn rooms where they had destroyable spawn tubes. The defenders couldn't just camp, and had to push out against the attackers, and the attackers didn't have to sit outside playing whack-a-mole.