Current Bugs

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ecko, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Ecko

    These are the bugs I have noticed during my gameplay. We should compile all the bugs here for the devs to see.

    - Vehicles falling through the world. Noticed this mainly at the Esamir NC Warp Gate. The first vehicle terminal on the left side seems to do this the most.
    - Dead bodies flipping out when dead in cracks/crevices.
    - Hacked terminals that are destroyed do not change to the faction who captured the base.
    - Primary turrets for vehicles and HA rockets sometimes "double fire".
    - Reaver Afterburner bar not properly displaying usage/recharge rate.
    - When Engineers drop ammo packs and switch immediately to their repair gun, the game force switches to the primary weapon. This can cause the Engineer to shoot instead of repair if they are slow to react.
    - If an HA fires a rocket and dies. The traveling rocket deals no damage to the intended target.
    - Sometimes when you hop into your Lightning and drive. You can hear your character's footsteps.
    - Death can occur after Galaxy drops.
    - Rare instance where Engineers fully instant repair something.
  2. Cantlogintomyother

    Players teleporting around in fire fightes (not the rendering issue) more like lag even those every thing else seems fine
  3. Ecko

    I don't think they can do anything about players with poor internet connections or high ping.
  4. SlicedGB

    Just kick those with terrible internet.
    Our gaming experiance shouldn't be ruined because someone can't sort out their own internet connection.
  5. Cantlogintomyother

    set a ping limit of around 250 thats more then high enough to influence alot of players.

    Many other games have it. This isnt an rpg where half second lag makes little to know difference, when you fly you need that half second more often then not.
  6. Ecko

  7. Mvollingjr

    Framerate changes the time to switch weapons:
  8. Gary

    Some nice stuff but please please please refrain from posting stuff that could negatively impact peoples game play such as issues that allow for damaging players through spawn shields etc. If you find an issue that could ruin the game experience for someone keep it to yourself and send a private message to SOE employees.
  9. Trignite

    I get this issue in my scythe too, it probably applies to all ESF

    I remember it affecting ROF in beta, didn't realize it affected weapon change though. That sucks :(
  10. SuperLexatron

    No sound for the lock-on in a vehicle - and better yet sometimes not even a 'Lock-on' sign... worst...bug...ever.
    • Up x 1
  11. Mvollingjr

  12. pilg0r

    Same for grenades. This one really gets me mad, as I play HA a lot.
    • Up x 1
  13. Mordero

    how about the graphic's random glitch out *aka Whitescreening*
  14. SpyShadow28

    Here are some glitch's I found through my experience. I also have a recommendation for the mic and sound output.

    I ran into a issue with voice chat. I wanted the sound to be played through my headset and not the pc speakers. So in windows 7, I set the headset to "Default Communication" Device. I leave the speakers as "Default Device". I started PS2. This did nothing. Sound output was on speakers but voice output was still on speakers. I managed to find a work around for the problem but the work around is annoying to do every time. To make it work, I have to set the headset as "Default Communication Device" and "Default Device". Then I unplug the headset. Start PS2. Now game sound is going through speakers at this point. Plug the headset in, go to voice settings in PS2 and let it detect the changes. It then begins to work like it suppose to.

    What do I recommend? I recommend that PS2 should have a menu in the settings under sound for setting the game output sound to a specified playback device. Same thing for setting a mic and voice output. Similar to what Skype does in it's settings.

    I also ran into a turret bug earlier. Here is a picture. Click to Show Turret Image

    Finally, I occasionally get the whitesceening bug and I may have found a place in the game on where the dev's can research it better. At a Tech Plant. I jetpack up to a small roofing area in front of one of the side shields. When I look back to see the terrain, the game begin to cull everything out, some objects were visible while others were gone. Below is some images of the effect and location.

    Server - Helios
    Continent - Indar

    Location of Bug
    Effect of Bug 1
    Effect of Bug 2
    Effect of Bug 3

    This is an area I should not be in but it can possibly help the investigation into the white out bug.
  15. Ecko

  16. Gary

    Got another 2 Bugs could lead to some misuse so not posting but if TSR-Alex or TSR-SeanF see this you know where to look :)
  17. Ecko

    - Sometimes have to revive a dead friendly twice in order for the acceptance to go through.
    - Some dead friendlies cannot be revived at all, (no revive cycle pops up).
    - Falling through corners of the building.
    - Falling through the map when siting underneath a vehicle, ex. Sunderer.
    - Engineer turret might not zoom in sometimes.
  18. Trignite

    I had press accept revive 4 times for it to work once.
  19. Ecko

    - Random moments where the screen constantly flickers.
    - C4 sometimes not properly being tossed.
  20. BMTrepa

    This is something I have come across particularly for Vanu. When piloting a magrider that gets damaged and hoping out to repair, if the magrider continues to move and gets pushed into you, it shows the magrider as fully repaired all of the sudden. This does not actually repair magrider from what I can tell, only visually shows it in vehicle picture at top right and cannot repair it for further combat use.