Curious question about AA in beta

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zenanii, May 17, 2013.

  1. Zenanii

    I am asking out of curiosity, anyone who played a lot during beta when AA was (from what I've gathered) pretty extreme:

    1. What was the (estimated) TTK against a ESF assuming full accuracy? Against a liberator?

    2. During this period, was the same cert system in effect? Was the cert gain the same? Was the cert prizes for bursters/skyguard the same? Were you given any free certs (similar to current test server)?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.
  2. Lucidius134

    Back in October when me and my partner first started playing, it was shortly after the skyguard buff. THen it was about 2s on a liberator and 1 on an ESF. IDK how accurate they were but it was so hard to fly liberators. I felt like I had ESF health and spent more time repairing if I didn't get vaporized before i could bank away. We got a health buff shortly after that. And then another Health buff. And then a health buff and AA nerf....then we got compsite armor and another health buff.

    You'l have to take my word for it though lol. I'de go pull patch notes but they deleted all of the beta patch notes (and the beta forums) and the wikis seem to be missing beta patch notes aswell. I definatly remember more then 2 health buffs in a row.
    • Up x 1
  3. SClaw

    It changed frequently.

    I was only in later beta phases and it was nothing at all like it is now. The skyguard was more useful, as I recall, but that was pretty much all there was which worked. But then the whole game was more air based, because gals had AMS – pretty much everyone flew everywhere and tanks only appeared around big bases.
  4. Lucidius134

    Oh right. The only time I could do liberatoring was when i knew where they were and harassed them from render distance. I often times had the squad waypoint on the crown or crossroads because being within render distance of AA was a death sentence.
  5. Tvayumat

    Skyguard? You mean the rumbleguard?

    For a good portion of early beta, that damn thing was unusable. Every time you pulled the trigger the screen would start wobbling and shaking like mad. The only way a skyguard gunner could maintain a stream of fire accurate enough to kill ANYTHING was by firing in third person.

    As for Bursters, they had much greater range and damage. I remember being able to hang out at the crown and swat down any ESF at the surrounding bases no problemo.

    Bursters have come down and Skyguards have come up, but Bursters still reign supreme.

    Oh and we didn't have all this lock-on gibberish.

    Of course, there were no cert or exp gains for "surface to air damage" until VERY recently.
  6. OblongQuake

    Cert gain was waaaay slower, but costs were also lower. Then again, I couldn't play for toffee back then so I'm probably biased.
  7. Zenanii

    Thanks for the replies guys!

    I would like to know more about how accesible AA weaponary was. Did it take the same ammount of effort/time to obtain the second burster? If no, how big was the differance?