Crossbow Attachments

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Souleater, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Souleater

    Just wondering what folks equip their Xbows with?

    The yellow x2 reflex seems a good choice of sight for me. I won't be engaging stuff much further away and the recticle is nicely visible in all conditions.

    But I'm a bit stumped over the other attachment slot.

    Darklight is obviously useful for hunting other INFs. Lasersight...does that make any difference to the Xbow when hip firing?

    Thank you.
  2. CuteBeaver

    Before the scope update I used the HDS 3.4x (now only a TR scope) because it gave me a better view of enemies in the distance. However higher magnification scopes makes shots on mobile targets difficult closer up, since you have to move your mouse more in order to track them. That and the new 3.4x scopes are kinda crappy for the crossbow. LANS is aligned differently and point of reference gap shooting won't match the HDS. While both have red dot, they are not interchangeable. The other has chevrons which can distract the user from what the target is doing, and makes it harder to anticipate and shoot down moving targets.

    As my aim improved, and I started feeling more confident taking shots on moving LA's for example... I preferred using 2x reflex (nipple sights) for a couple reasons. The circle and the dot make gap shooting moving targets easier. The extra point of reference the circle provides can be useful when factoring in projectile delay. I like the red one best because the bottom half of the circular brackets can be used to visually "pinch" targets, and you know for certain any enemy between its prongs will be hit at a distance. This makes shooting enemies towards the end of the crossbows effective range (75m) easy and helps you visually define what is going to require 3 body shots instead of 2. You would think that a 2x reflex would make shots at 150 m more difficult, but its nice how q spot and using the Doritos can help you stay on target even when your aiming well above their bodies. Oh yes for someone learning crossbow drop, try using the purple cross sights. Once you have mastered that grab a nipple.
    • Up x 3
  3. Mahaut

    For the sight, refer to the post above.

    For the rail, laser. The reduced hipfire crosshair gets quite handy when the enemy is simply too close to ADS. Synergizes well with quick knife too. Never used the darklight, never felt like I needed it: you have the possibility to make yourself almost completely invisible for extended periods of time, so it's very easy to take other infiltrators off-guard (and by that, I mean just wait for them to move: at the ranges you'd use the darklight, a sneeze makes us visible anyway). And if there is one very annoying stalker in the area, you still have your EMP.

    Lastly, specialized bolts stand somewhere between useless and gimmicky, don't bother with them.
  4. _itg

    I use the 4x crosshair scope. I never ADS with the crossbow in CQC (and typically avoid CQC, anyway, if I'm not doing bolt+knife ambushes), so the high zoom is never a disadvantage to me. I have my ADS sensitivity turned up higher than my hipfire sensitivity, though, so I can better track targets while zoomed in.

    As for the other slots, there's no reason not to go with laser sight and standard ammo. Explosive bolts could make sense if you're a LA trying to solo sunderers with c4 (I've tried it, and it sort of works), but that's pretty much it. Recon bolts are okay for non-infiltrators, but you've already got a better recon tool.
  5. Souleater

    Okay. Thank you.
  6. BillHaverchuck

    Infs that use darklight are traitors
  7. salembeats

    I use 4x Quadra scope w/ Laser -- It's a medium-long to long-range weapon for me.



    - The low RoF makes the weapon dangerous to use in medium-close CQC.

    - Low velocity is an advantage when lining up stationary long-distance targets (Snipers, engineers on AI/AV turrets, engineers repairing MAXes, etc.). In fact, with enough distance, you can get a second headshot into the air before your first one even makes contact.

    - Headshots are important for getting kills at long range, and a 4x scope helps this.

    In the rare situations where CQC makes sense, hipfiring w/ the laser is just fine, because the difficulty in landing shots with the gun has more to do with its velocity than CoF.