Cross Game Shooter genre rant.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dam187, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Dam187

    Right now I hate you. I hate you like I would a known pedo or killer. Yes that is how much bitterness I feel. Why? Why do I hate you so much right now?

    It is like I come to this game to have a good time and showcase my skills.

    I don't know maybe its my own fault for I use the same tags in all my games. Maybe its a bunch of trolls who know me and have targeted me. However I must post this to give you your happiness. I can't pretend your slap to my face didn't hurt.

    So I come and join the game hoping for a good game whether I win or lose. Only to see my own teammates watch me get gunned down and then they get gunned down by the guy who killed me. It's like I see them beside me we're running the same speed and the adrenaline is kicking, but when I engage an enemy my teammate isn't there. So I'm alone? Fine, its 1 vs 1. Wait my gun isn't doing any damage-I'm aiming he's ******* in my sights when I left click then I immediately right click while still left clicking.

    What? No damage!? What? Oh No I went into spectate mode-he killed me? How? Wait, I did do damage I see his health bar moved. What he's almost dead! He has 1hp! Are you kidding me! This didn't seem to happen to my teammates...I'm alone so-wait my teammate is right there watching the whole time? WTF! Don't just stare at him shoot him! What are you waiting for? Don't dance around him trying to avoid his bullets! Shoot at him you idiot. What are you-Dumb nutcase he knifed you. The enemy knifed you and you deserve it you jerk.

    This is a daily thing when I join a random squad...some idiot teammate just lols while my gun can't seem to hit an obvious hitmarker then he tries to wait up for the assist to disappear while dancing with the guy who killed me-only to get killed himself.

    I've also seen teammates just sit in their plane watching an enemy plane shoot at me. Also I've done experienced a Teammate with his friend sit in a tank while an enemy tank rolls in at the slowest speed possible and try to run me down. I dodge the tank only to get gunned down while my so called ally just watches him kill me. Then they decide to fight only to get killed by the same guy who killed me.

    I don't know maybe I should blame myself for thinking I can trust someone in the same faction to watch my back since I'm watching his. I mean surely nobody is a jerk enough to worry about their own score in K/D to purposely make sure they allow the enemy to get a free kill off of me when the Devs seem to just lol at giving me a ****** gun that barely registers a hit detection the size of a magrider on enemy infantry right?

    It can't be me considering I do what a teammate is supposed to while juggling awareness & alertness to make sure I don't get ambushed by the enemy.
    So why is it it seems not only the enemy is out to get me, but the Devs and my own faction wants to make sure my Kills are so bad that my deaths seem more like a wall of text on a forum then an actual k/d score.

    Why is it when I'm the one who does right not only for himself, but for his fellow that his fellow seems to have it good and I get **** on. Maybe I should be like my fellow and have his attitude. Start hanging back and lol at him dying. Maybe I should dance with the enemy after he kills him and wait long enough that the assist drops and then try to kill the enemy.

    Maybe I should play like a COD 12 year old instead of the veteran shooter genre gamer I am. Maybe then I can finally get my shot to be ranked on the boards in the top 20 instead of being overshadowed by selfish glory hogs.

    What you think?
  2. Revorn

    Get a good Outfitt to make sure you can comunicate with your Teammate maybe?
  3. wolfva

    I can't tell if you're angry because your computer can't handle the game, or if it's all about other people not supporting you in game.

    I'm getting tired of inane comments about COD players being '12 years old'. You DO know that when the game came out they were only 4? That a large number of active duty service men stationed over seas, many of whom are in combat zones, play COD? That you would probably find more 12 yr olds playing a My Little Pony game then COD? Just sayin, is all. And yes, you should go play that instead. Because you take THIS game WAY to seriously. Dude, it's supposed to be fun, not cause rage induced coronary failure.