[Suggestion] Crazy extension for Orbital Strike

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meserion, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Meserion

    Whether it's coming or not, Orbital Strike is an awesome idea, but why not build on it?

    I propose that the Orbital Strike would be something available only during alerts and would have a whole "upper" map related to it. The idea is that there would be space elevators that take you into the upper atmosphere at each warp gate that would allow you to fight over control over some orbital satellite cannon.

    It would be a low-gravity scenario with players have to capture a central "Firing Platform" with smaller bases surrounding it that reduces weapon charge time or increases the operational range of the Firing Platform. You see initially the Orbital Strike could only strike at the center hexes of a continent but as you capture relay stations you can extend it's range of attack allowing your team to hit more hexes.

    Its a basic idea but the Sky is the limit, heh puns...

    Any additions? Thoughts? Comments?
  2. Devilllike

    I am going to have what you are smoking
  3. Hajakizol

    Its so crazy it may be fun until you get Orbitaled over and over cuz your krew cant teamwork.
  4. BrbImAFK

    Yes, yes, YES!

    Never going to happen. So sad. :(
  5. Hzymind

    They did this in planetside 1. Where you had to go off map to the caves, it was bad because it split the playerbase. And bad because you got BFR certification there also...

    You need to keep the players togethrr