*cough* *cough*

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    *cough*doors more-deployables change-vehicle-loadouts-if-already-spawned minefields maxhorns warp-vehicles-to-other-continents more-points/exp-for-defense for-every-NS-weapon-release-2-sets-of-ES-ones eatgkhfeqfertu,tg4q4gwetyrtrwgwrtnrt *cough*

    Now to be more constructive here is a simple list of ideas/things ect that I believe we can all agree on unless you live on a diet of mayonnaise,

    1. More deployables such as weak automated turrets, deployable cover that needs to be *upgraded* on the battle field meaning that you have to use the repair tool to build it up, and continue to expand it. So you start with a tiny square that with constant repair tool slowly turns it into a bunker.

    ~Artillery, AA-launchers, ES deployables for example TR gets a chain gun, NC gets a railgun, and VS gets an energy "grenade launcher". ~ and minefields. Actual minefields, weak mines that deter players from moving across an area.

    2. The ability to change your vehicle loadout when near/on a spawn pad/ terminal nuff' said

    3. The ability to warp your vehicles to another continent

    4. MAX HORNS :D

    5. Defense should reward players more than taking territory.

    6. For every NS weapon release 2 or 3 ES sets for every empire. DO NOT FLOOD PS2 WITH BLAND D:<

    7. The majority of territory should be connected with underground meatgrind... I mean tunnels.

    8. Company, 4 platoons = 1 Company, and a Company leader.

    9. See stats on weapon changed with attachments

    10. Bipods..... stand still for increased accuracy with less recoil and even more when crouched

    11. ES bayonets :D ES knife takes rail attachment, 2X melee range/damage, when selected (like selecting grenade launcher) will give slight buff to movement speed

    12. Cert into separate driver/gunner for tanks, compensate Magriders with a second gunner? I don't know. If they ever release a water continent let magriders float on the water and... wait they could do that with swamps in Hossin

    13. SOE has to create a vote system, which you can accesses in-game.

    14. Player studio weapons, armors, vehicle designs... it's free labor and easy money....

    15. Un-lube the surface on the planet... please

    16. Don't make vehicles explode when they flip over... this isn't GTA 4, let us de-construct them

    17. Doors, those old timer doors that don't glow, aren't transparent. You have to hack a terminal to open it for your empire, also can be destroyed with enough C-4

    18. BFRs they were poorly implemented in PS1 but they were freaking awesome, they should eventually come to PS2. Don't go crazy with the phobia nerfs.

    19. If it simply works, it's simply satisfying.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    Defending gives ME more XP than attacking...

    attacking you get 1 (small) lump reward at the end. I don't even bother to wait for it... it's only a couple kills worth.

    Defending gives me a +20% boost on EVERYTHING I DO IN THAT FIGHT.

    unless you're in a zerg, defending will give you more XP via the bonus than the cap XP... well, provided you're any good and there's an actual fight going on.

    Attackers are rewarded more for time taken the faster the (and only if) fight is won. Defenders get more bonus XP the longer the fight drags on (win or lose)
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  3. ComradeHavoc

    I often get a 50% boost when I'm attacking, and it's a constant stream of certs. Plus defending for the majority of players is boring, and they are more likely to go to a attack. Also the majority of territory taken in this game are done by zergs.
  4. Ronin Oni

    You don't get +50% from attacking though.

    You get +% for mission XP, +% based on continent pop, +% if there's an alert and the territory is relevant, membership/boost/sqd mates boost, etc.

    You can get all those while defending PLUS another 20% for defending on top of the rest.
    Well, I avoid those. There's no combat XP to be had in those, you're competing with the rest of the zerg for kills and it's just boring and gives you lower SPM than actually fighting even if you never cap a base. If you're terrible at the game, sure, zerg some bases so you can get the only XP you ever can... the cap XP... but if you're good, at ALL, avoid that crap and gain more XP while actually having fun.
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  5. Caserion

    No player studio weapons please, unless we're talking about weapon skins. We don't need more OP/Useless weaponry...
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Player Studio will never allow for gameplay changing elements... so have no worries there.
  7. FateJH

    The thread title is poor. I was expecting some complaining about the Amerish fog or the Esamir ice fog.

    You get bonus XP for defending but you still have to do stuff, and it also requires an aggressive enemy force. Capturing territory comes with a single burst of experience when it finishes but you probably earn more shooting people up until the point that it caps. Even normally devoted players stop playing any sort of defense along a certain lane because they encounter situations where it would prove fruitless to try and resist.
    If I recall, PS1 was flooded with "bland."
    So now all four of the platoons that descend on 1-12 can exchange "witty" banter disparaging their opponents' parentage?
    Bizarre one-shot knife from further away and increased movement speed? Ridiculous.
    Need more info.
    It's butter, no lube. Also, Esamir is a cake.
    You mean GTAIII. If you're going to reference a mechanic, at least get the origin correct. Whether or not they deconstruct or explode, the point is that they get removed from the battelfield and stop hogging the game's resources. The only vehicle that has the least justification for not being able to be right-ed again is the Flash.
    Devs have already stated they are not going to do that due to performance and latency issues.
    "Giant robots for the sake of giant robots" is a poor principle to follow.
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  8. Modern Ancestor

    Needs more Mayonnaise.
  9. Ronin Oni

    I think he just needs a side of cheese
  10. PoxLUFC

    Lots of Planetside ! ideas being 'floated' there :)
  11. Akeita

    20. Bleeding mechanics, required triage, bonus checks, loyalty, technology, blood...