Cortium bombs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by GeoNC, Apr 14, 2021.

  1. GeoNC

    Enough with the cortium bombs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough is ENOUGH
    • Up x 2
  2. TR5L4Y3R


    seriously, while i don´t know exactly how powerful cortiumbombs are i would think that increasing the detonationtimer in order for players to have a fair time to defuse it should help ... can be already problematic with a enemy infil around to defuse it in the first place ...
  3. KozlovackRufus

    Cortium Bombs are very unbalanced, since before you could break them with bullets, now you must press a key and wait to deactivate it. Which the Bomb does not have much time to explode and can destroy tsundere which becomes stressful, but beneficial for those who simply place it and camp with anti infantry mines. Yes or Yes Will Achieve Your Goal. I deactivated them to Hard Penalties, that the Enemy is not Good defending her or does not try. but if it did, there would be no possibility for the short time the bomb has to explode. Also, no matter how much time you dedicate to the game or your battle rank, the more time you play, the more penalties are applied and your statistics decrease. Which returns to Lethal New Players and the old ones leave the Game, due to stress. Cortium Pump is out of balance. To top it all, it only belongs to People with Brigades.