Convert Planetside 2 to Unreal Engine 3

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. Patrician

    560ti graphics card is last generation mid-range card; upgrade to 660ti and see the difference. So yes, you need to upgrade your PC.
  2. lirian

    How can you be serious about your topic when you don't even know what you're talking about ?

    Call of Duty game engines have always been a complete revamp of IDTech3 (IDSoftware / Quake3) since a long time, and up to the most recent release, Black Ops 2.
  3. Patrician

    You really don't have a clue do you; your PC is not "nicer than the majority"; to be honest it's barely "mid-range", and your graphic card is last generation. I have the following and run PS2 on maximum graphic settings and don't drop below 40FPS in battles.

    Intel i7-3930K
    Gigabyte X79-UD3 Motherboard Core Socket 2011 Intel X79 ATX
    Kingston HyperX 16GB (4x4GB) Memory Kit 1600MHz DDR3 Non-ECC
    Gainward GTX50
  4. -Zlodey-

    Did you hear about World of Tanks? They do this on their server clusters - all movement, aiming, hit detection, visibility checks done at server side - for preventing cheating.
    You cant find aimbot, ESP or speedhack for WoT.
  5. Patrician

    No, this thread suffers from you unthinking, uneducated and ludicrous OP.
  6. Pashgan

    Game is beautiful as is and I have better solution to FPS problems - instead of waiting for new engine change this setting:


    Also better visibility inside buildings.
  7. Koronisz

    Please disregard this imbecile guys.
    He (and another mentally ******** moron) also camp the Smite forums all day with his stupid threads and when you try to put him into place he calls his mom and the mods to make sure your posts get deleted.

    PS: Still think Bacchus was troll? hahahaha Moron.
  8. Pugzii

    CoD? As in Call of Duty?? Call of Duty does not run on UE3..

  9. Obest

    Anything is possible in the modern world, but the money are real issue, I have no doubt if PS2 development team had spare NASA supercomputer in their back yard it would've all get done on it in the similar manner without sweat and tears but most likely only so much can be spent so we have what we have at the moment.

    By the way what's maximum battlesize in WOT right now? It's been years sine I've been there.
  10. Kenny007

    I sincerely hope this is 11 pages of people calling out the OP. I'm dumber having read the first page.
  11. SQLOwns

    LOL, I really don't think UDK 3 could handle a game of this scale. OP is just mad that is outdated hardware cannot handle the game, lol.
  12. KlyptoK


    The OP suggestion is pure madness.
  13. Kitsunami

    So, just to throw in my two cents, as somebody who looks into this sort of stuff.

    1) Dear OP, it was attempted. It failed horribly. Why is that? The unreal engine online code has NEVER been able to carry a lot of players in a large area at any single given time. It's meant for competitive close quarters fps, such as Counter Strike, and to show off amazing graphic enhancements that next gen cards can play with.

    Lets begin:

    Welkin 4591 - The chinese developed game that everybody thought was going to be Planetside's great successor. It dissapeard for awhile and then it re-appeared (at least in Europe) as Mars War. The Chinese version, Welkin..just poofed.

    It was actually pretty good fun for a chinese game, and a LOT closer to planetside 1, but 'Mars Wars' is so blatantly copied that Im amazed SOE doesn't sue them.

    To get it to work, they had to downgrade all the graphics, and the maps sizes had to be lowered immensely. Planetside 2 has much, much bigger maps. It's pretty much a total copy of Planetside 1, with a slight graphical update. Very slight.

    Huxley - Yet another attempt, even featured Players vs NPC's in huge open zones. Its main feature, the 'big' battlefields just never worked and had tonnes of lag issues and networking problems. I can't even find a current host so I assume Huxley is gone.

    If you'd like, I can continue to get a few more examples but those two are the most prominent. As to TERA and such...MMO's work fantasically in the unreal engines, as do battle orientated hack/slash games. FPS however, has never held strong in the Unreal Series (except for the original unreal tournament!)
  14. Cyba

    Yes it would, but the hardware/PC's would not.
    Unreal Engine is designed to handle anything as long as the hardware is able to process it. Which is, not possible for the systems at hand.

    Btw. UDK is not the same as UE3.. Besides, there's already a UE4, same goes for that one, hardware does not have the power to process an engine like that for MMO games. Even though, UE would not crash based on big loads, so if you have a super computer you would be able to run a large scale game.
  15. Cyridius

    Why would they switch to UE3 when they spent YEARS and manpower on developing this engine specifically for their MMOs(PS2 & EQ)?
  16. Cyridius

    Treyarch COD and IW COD run on slightly different engines. But pretty much this.
  17. Konstantinn

    That's like saying "My car is built out of steel, plastic, and aluminum. I suggest that we slowly rebuild it out of wood, clay, and cardboard."

    By the way it would probably take a whole lot less effort to do that to a car than it would to port this engine.
  18. lilbabygiraffelegs

    Haha this is a serious thread?!
  19. lNeBl

    The video card is irrelevant. His video card only needs to operate at about 60% to run the game perfectly. The problem is that the engine only utilizes about 70-80% of the first core of a CPU and only about 40-60% of the 2nd core. Third and forth cores...pretty much don't get used.

    The problem is indeed the game engine. BF3 utilizes 100% of all 4 cores and 100% of GPUs perfectly. It's engine is far superior to planetside 2's
  20. Lambchopz

    CoD doesn't use UE3. CoD 1 and 2 used a heavily modified Quake Arena engine. CoD 4/MW2/MW3 and Blops 1/2 used the IW engine 3.0/4.0, which is based on that same engine. Unreal and Epic have nothing to do with CoD, at all.

    The UE engine is flexible, but it's not all-purpose. DCUO is based primarily on instances, so it works fine there. TERA doesn't have anywhere near the scale of PS2. If it was, people wouldn't use CryEngine, or their own proprietary engines, and people wouldn't still be using variants of the Quake engine (which is much older). People don't make their own engines just because, it's usually because existing engines aren't capable of what they want their game to do. Programmers aren't stupid.
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