[Suggestion] Continents: we don't have to be like PS1

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daioh, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Daioh

    so, i was rollin' around in mah outfit, taken basses, killing the heretical scum, raging about the Crown on Indar, when we started talking about how similar the landscapes are to PS1. now, the continents we have right now are pretty basic; hills, fields, gorges, mountains, and all that jazz. PS1 had basic Continents too, but more as a limitation of the tech rather than the actual design choice. we came up with afew different ideas for continents now that we have greater tech.

    1) Civilian Continent; has towns and make-shift military installations, maybe one or two cities. but it would have alot fo civilian infrastructure, like telephone poles, parking lots, chain linked fences, and actually paved roads. gorilla warfare and boots on the ground would be the name of the game

    2) Lakes and streams; as most of you probably already know, there is a conspicuous lack of lakes and fresh water sources on this planet, having afew lakes or criss crossing rivers would make new and interesting logistical challenges.

    3) Jungles and Forests: proper jungles and forests, heavily wooded areas that would favor skirmishers and dog fighting rather than Armored Columns

    afew other things we discussed would be immuration related, like how it would be a good idea to implement Dancing so capping the point on a large base isn't so boring, and would rather be fun! DANCE PARTY ON THE POINT! then there is also the idea of your character being able to do idle activities, like eat a sandwich (if you don't feel like dancing). waiting for your galaxy driver to pick you up at the Warpgate? well, might as well have lunch while you wait.

    what do you guys think?
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  2. Sebastien

    How about one where I take a leak while capping a base.
  3. Daioh

    eh, that has potential to be abused is immature ways. SOE might go for it
  4. clantix

    well, water is planned and amerish is implemented though unless you're vanu I hear its hard to go there these days.

    But the bases on each planet are very dull and if you go back through the forum pages you can see multiple threads about people complaining that they look cobbled together for an apparently highly militaristic society.
  5. Daioh

    Amerish is more highlands than proper forest or jungle, and just mixing it up would do wonders for the actual game, taking the same bases over and over can get tedious.
  6. TrioThePunch

    The Warpgates could be in the cities on a civilian continent.
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  7. Bruhja

    Implementation of water is the best idea on the list, as for dancing...... no we dont need the old /em cabbagepatch command re implemented though it did make for a great dance video while standing underneath a base alert light while listening to KMFDM.

    The other idea thats really great is the tighter forests so it would be difficult to be spotted from the air and armor would have limited or no ability to move in it, plus the ability to better hide your AMS.

    The original did have clustered forests with some parts that armor just couldnt fit in, it was great for pheonix/lancer/striker monkies to pick away at armor.
  8. Galhans

    They do, and the larger facilities look cookie-cutter'd.
    On a side note, I was a little disappointed that the Vanu Archives had no archives (room with rows of those comp. towers?). . . an underground room with a second point would make it more interesting, wouldn't it?
  9. clantix

    You know what really made that place interesting? the invisible walls, it was so interesting other than the graphical glitches when you walked into them I wish they hadn't fixed it sometimes, stupid ol vanu pushed us out of their though and haven't seen the place since.
  10. Siilk

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