Continental Lattice, Nomad Styles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theholeyone, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. theholeyone


    What good are home-gates anyway :eek:

    Here every warp-gate on a continent is only connected to one other, through a battle island (though some links could be done without). Where your faction is, is where it fights its way to be. Simple eh!

    And here is the fun part, there is now a defeat condition, a permanent global aim. Which necessitates another mechanic, the final warpgate condition, 3 ideas as follows:
    Ideal; faction who has lost all territory and final WG, each outfit/platoon (or something) spawns a Bastion or other superunit, at chosen territories near enemy warpgates, which they can capture, unlimited resources until the first gate is captured.
    Good; faction inherets a warpgate another faction is not using so much.
    Adequate; final warpgate cannot be captured.

    Defeat condition, other factions gets xp bonus, 10k + 10k x world territory control. In order to make sure the lower pop faction isn't just continuously farmed for this bonus, the bonus only occurs once until somebody else is defeated.

    Continent control bonuses:
    Superunits and super-abilities, the owner of a certain continent is able to spawn certain things, Bastion fleet carriers and other cool stuff, abilities like orbital strike etc.

    Primary alert type now becomes warpgate/facility capture, where each faction is given a different warpgate/facility in enemy territory to capture. 1st to get it scores 10k, second gets 5k. Still have the current type in there too I guess, just not so frequent. Also, the bonus faction X said bad things about faction Y and Z's mums persiting 'alert' where if faction X can be defeated in a certain time (a Day maybe) additional bonuses are applied.

    I'm not sure the defeat condition should actually be encouraged, as it might be not so fun for the faction being defeat regardless of how long it takes or how infrequently it can be done, but figured I would include it in there since it would be possible...
  2. Serafine

    Woohoo great idea, I can't even wait to ghostcap continents @ 4 AM! :rolleyes:
  3. Serafine

    Just to get this: In your opinion factions should get super units and orbital strikes on continents they already possess. This is not just bad gameplay (since it encourages other factions to just ignore that continent and render all this super stuff completely useless and make that continent zero interesting) it also bares all military logic. You want your heavy units and supportive strikes hit the front, the places you are actively engaging, not to stand around and gather dust in some far-away areas that have zero enemy population.
  4. Tommyp2006

    I'm not really into the idea of forcing the use of battle islands to get between continents.
  5. theholeyone

    You spawn them on the front lines, not the capped continent. It's like how current cont control bonus is worldwide...

    The main purpose of the nomadic home concept is to allow faction flexibility. How does having a fixed warpgate make sense? why can't I fight to push my enemies off their prefered warpgate while defending my own?