Continent Population equals lag

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ALeviathan, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. ALeviathan

    If I play on Esimir or Armesh, my frame rate is very good. Hardly drops at all, don't get random lag spikes and players are not warping or freezing even in large fights. Now if I go to Indar, straight away from leaving the warp gate my FPS flutter around and if engaged in a large fight, players start to warp, freeze and I get lag spikes.

    It's the server/s not being able to process, send and receive fast enough to keep my/your client up to date.

    I'm suggesting until it is more stable that a population cap be put on each continent. This will get 80% of the players out of Indar and onto the others so there are better fights. It's just the hourly Zerg fest on the other 2 continents as is currently on the Briggs server. You can see Indar and Armesh continents flip from Faction to Faction multiple times a day.
  2. TheAppl3

    There's a population cap per continent. It's just high.
  3. ALeviathan

    What if they done a trial of lowing the numbers for a few days to see if that helps?
  4. Xcom

    What if they took the money we pay them and get better/more servers to handle the load? A lower cap would blow and why should we get one when we are paying for a MMOFPS. I know the game is free but not everyone who plays is a freeloading bum.
  5. Gary

    well since a large portion of players are able to play without desyncing, warping and lag spikes it indicates a problem on your end. IF you haven't already i suggest opening a support ticket and attach your MSinfo and Dxdiag files this will enable them if you have a problem with desyncs it could be a number of things including your internet connection as well.
  6. ALeviathan

    I did have PC issues when I built this PC, but that's gone now.

    It's not everybody lagging or warping around. Just the odd player/tank/plane which is very off putting trying to shoot somebody doing the moon walk then appears 30 meters further on while the 200 guys next/around/near to him are perfectly fine. If it was every or the majority of player/tank/plane etc, I'd say it was my end defiantly. I've never had the issue of being shot by invisible infantry, my shots being a sec' or 2 behind my actual click of the button, no damage shooting, being shot and die behind corners etc. The lag spikes I meant was when engaging a lagging player gives me a quick spike/jump/nano freeze if I run, drive towards them and only them in some cases.

    The main issue (excluding the bugs now) is allowing people to join, create accounts to servers on the other side of the world. Keep it to area regions and this will help with the lag.