Constant Crashes Getting Unbearable

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by WycliffSlim, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. WycliffSlim

    Recently I've been crashing incredibly often.
    For about a month or so the game was very solid for me, it crashed maybe 2 times per week, not great but I can handle that.

    Recently however, starting about a month ago and really catching stride since OMFG I've been crashing 3-4 time per DAY. This is extremely problematic since it often happens when I'm in a vehicle and now those resources are gone. Just today I crashed twice in a row withing a few minutes of pulling a Mosquito, by bye 500 aerospace resources.

    I've been trying to take note of any patterns with the crashing and this is what I've noticed.

    When I've noticed crashing the most:
    1: Generally in a vehicle. My game crashes probably 3-4 times more often while I'm in a vehicle compared to on the ground. Granted, I spend a lot of time in the Liberator but it's still favoring those times to crash more than when I'm on the ground.(constant issue)
    2: Right after switching factions my game will crash almost like clockwork within 15-20 minutes(this is since OMFG)
    3: Right when I fire a Dalton shot(This could just be coincidence but my game has crashed probably 5-6 times in the last 2 weeks AS I fire a Dalton round(this has been a constant issue)
    4: Within 5 minutes of the game starting, this has been happening more recently starting maybe a week ago it's happened I believe 3 times.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    I've heard some people say that running the game outside of Steam is helpful. Some others have mentioned a registry that can be deleted. Thank you in advance for any support.
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  2. cdavis13

    Same problem here. Been playing about a month and I've never had an issue. Never even had a crash. Then it downloaded some stuff on Thursday, ever since then I crash constantly. Never get an error message either. It either locks up and I must restart my computer, or it just closes and I'm staring at my desktop. I have a Radeon HD 7850 gpu, 8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM. Not that it matters because like I said, it's been fine for the last month, so whatever update happened on Thursday (the last time it has downloaded anything) is what screwed everything up.
    And yes, I've tried running it on high, medium and low settings, just doesn't seem to matter.
    Also, my GPU has never been above 65 degrees(c) during any play sessions.
  3. Bjorn501

    I've got the same problem. It's crashed to desktop four times today within the space of 1 1/2 hours. All four times, it crashed when I was just firing at someone. If this keeps going, I might have to stop playing.
  4. WycliffSlim

    Yeah, I should have added that mine are just straight crashes to desktop. No error code, just boop, game shut down, looking at my desktop. And yes, it is getting to the point where I often just stop playing after it crashes for several hours or the rest of the day... and I love this game.
  5. WycliffSlim

    Update: I've now crashed 6 times today. Everytime I was in a vehicle and lost all my resources.
  6. Takoita

    I see almost the same issue; it just freezes instead of crashing into desktop for me. More often when I'm in a vehicle too. Froze a couple of times on Alt+Tab and when trying to access the infantry terminal.
  7. Gheeta

    I keep crashing as well, ~90% of the crashes happens while flying.
  8. Wildcat665

    Same here, I'm always in a vehicle anyway so I cant say anything there, but it's usually while firing. Gotta get this fixed soon SOE...
    Love the performance updates but these crashes suck.
  9. Gheeta

    Another crash in aircraft, this time it happened straight after logging in and leaving the wg. There was a large fight fairly close to the warpgate.

    EDIT: And again, same thing left the warp gate, zoomed my out my minimap and checked out the game map -> crash.

    This is really odd, i have several sessions with 3h + without crashing.

    Win 7 64bit
    GTX 580
    i7 930
  10. Zazen

    Same here. Game has been rock solid since PU-01 until today, now crashing at warpgate when zooming in/out of map, no error, just drops to desktop.
  11. WycliffSlim

    I was relatively stable today. Only crashed once in about 2.5 hours lol.
  12. Utrooperx

    No comments from a SoE Red Name?

    I've been crashing to desktop more since OMFG went live then in all the weeks I played before the performance update...

    I used to stay pretty steady at 30-40 FPS (GPU bound) pre-update, but now I can't seem to break 25 FPS...and suffer random crash-to-desktop to boot!

    What's going on?
  13. Tenente

    Strange, I also have noticed that the crash only occur when I'm flying my scythe. o_O
  14. Joe Schmuckatelli

    Wow, those are some great system specs!

    Almost like I bought this PC from a fellow named B. Rubble on eBay a while back, a Core 2 Duo at 1.8Ghz with Vista. Before the big system optimization of a short while ago, I would get 10-30 minutes between crashes (sooner if I strayed too close to a big fight).

    Now, after the "optimization" I can't even be in the same county as a fight with more than a half-dozen combatants or it crashes. Often, even if I'm off by myself somewhere and DARE think "Wow, I haven't crashed in the last five minutes," it crashes to spite me.

    Seriously. I now generally confine myself to manning turrets waaaaay away from fights, smacking any stray enemy that comes my way (they actually do, occasionally), like some kind of mutant sea anemone. Or repairing turrets after battles, as long as "the fight" has migrated well away from me.

    Working on building a new system, though, piece by piece, around a hex-core and Asus ROG board (the R4BE). Hopefully when that's done within a couple months, there aren't any major issues caused by the game itself.

    Meanwhile, have pity on MadMax083 on Esamir (Waterson)...damage a tank or ESF down to one bar and force them to land near me. I'M A SEA ANEMONE, I TELL YA...but in the snow. At about 4 fps.
  15. Schwak

    I just brought up a chrome page to complain about this, crashed twice in a lib earlier and just crashed twice within 30 minutes while using a prowler. Tired of your sh*t SOE.
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  16. WycliffSlim

    That's honestly my biggest problem is losing vehicles(resources) to crashes. Honestly I don't care about the fact that I freeze and get killed, hell I've got an SSD so I'm back in the game within about 30 seconds. It's annoying, and it needs to be addressed but I COULD deal with that.

    What I can't deal with is constantly hemorrhaging resources due to crashes. I play VS on Waterson which means I'm often resources starved as is without losing 250-350 thanks to the game crashing 5 minutes after I pull a vehicle. I can't imagine what it would be like for people who aren't subscribers.

    So, let me also propose this. Since you've stated that crashing during an alert will not cause you to lose that built up XP you've gained during the alert for fighting for your faction if you log right back in is there anyway the same could be done with vehicle resources.

    ie: I pull a Liberator, cruise on out the gate happily, dalton a Lib or two, BOOP! and ESF or three and then crash. Oh no, all the resources are gooooone! But, when I log back in my character has 350 shiny new aerospace resources sitting in their bank account so that I don't spend the next hour crying and waiting for my 15 aerospace resources per tick while I wade through the muddy plebeian filled horror that is infantry combat.

    I may have gotten a little out of control with that last point, but I think my point got across. If my game crashes while in a vehicle, refund my lost resources as I didn't lose them due to incompetence or getting killed I lost them due to the game punching my computer in the face.
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  17. Dracorean

    I've been crashing fairly often ever since the optimization myself, primarily everything just freezes up, but coms are still active. At times most of the crashes seem to happen near or when interacting with vehicles and turrets. From looking at them to simply walking by them, getting in them also causes the game to freeze up.

    However at one point at regent rock/skydock bridge i crashed there. I did thought it had to do with the smoothing feature, so I took that off. Still seeing if the game drops on me. Other problems I noticed was first person animations being fairly off and derp-ish. Though that is a different thing all together.
  18. Waste_Of_My_Time

    (Been playing since beta) But recently since last update I get freeze screen and then crash or sometimes only crash, This happens when I am about to have FUN. :eek: "Oh you are about to have FUN, I think I will crash!":mad: Sometimes then the screen is frozen I can still voice communicate with Platoon. And then everything just dies. I cant be leader any longer as when there is a crash the waypoints are not longer. I get the ERROR 21. It states that some files might be corrupt, and suggests to unstall the game and reinstall. I have don't that now 3 times. But mostly now when the game crashes I just go play some other "non-crashing" games like Battlefield or World of tanks.
  19. Gheeta

    Quite a few pilots experiencing these issues.
  20. MajiinBuu

    I find that it happens when I'm reloading. Just reloading anything. For example at a tech plant the other day I shot a decimator at a landed liberator, as soon as the missile makes contact FREEZE!