Conspicuous [C150]

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by GlobeMaster, Mar 30, 2014.

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  1. Snake00223nc

    Sounding like the Hammer of the Boss right now... (not allowed to say ...Hammerboss. cuz I will probally be banned :p )
  2. ReaversAreEasyMode

  3. vulkkan

    C150 has my respect as one of the best outfits on Waterson. They're chill, organized guys who wreck with a small group, and have no overtly flaming egos. Also, pls stahp shooting my mossie, I can barely fly this toaster. And to Chubzdoomer, the vast majority of the remaining/new NUC members play infantry/armor only. We pull air to get around, or to occasionally pretend to be part of the great sky chariot race before once again joining the infantry farm race once we get scrapped by great pilots :p

    (also hint hint, NUC wouldn't some fresh, skilled, and deliciously sexy pilots to fill in a brand spankin' new Bravo squad)
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  4. IamnotAmazing

    It's not an insult, TR air is pathetic now, it's kinda depressing... we just don't have any pilots :(
  5. Snake00223nc

    That last pic in your signature.... didnt know he didnt play max 100% of the time :eek:
  6. rguitar87

  7. IamnotAmazing

    apparently not, trying to get his kph down to an all new low I guess
  8. chrisbeebops

    You must be pretty bad. I can tell because your forum nick is "AirSuperiority". Also because you are in Red Guard.

    Other than that, it is pretty well known that ZAPS is the best zergfit on Waterson. The minuscule platoons of assorted TR and NC are quite obviously no match for our typical massive nightly squads of 6 people.
  9. toxs

    I always considered 48+ zergish. But after a formal SOE forums education I learned 5-11 is also a zerg.
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  10. IamnotAmazing

    I'd bet 20 dollars that's canadianninja
  11. Chubzdoomer

    I captured a snapshot of the 0AK Air Gank Squad™ in action today over NC--VS territory.



    This happens every single session, without fail. It was during an alert, too, as you can see by the icon at the top of the map.
  12. AuxiMoron

    What's a NUC???
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  13. dstock

    I remember when pilot/gunner recruits went to Charlie, because Bravo was stuffed, haha.

    Rest of thread: DRDC.
  14. rguitar87

    We went after them, wiped them until we started logging off. Fun times.
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  15. Slavek

    NUC is "NUCK". All this arguing is stirring me up. Time to refine my pilot skills after this 2 month absence from PS2.
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  16. IamnotAmazing

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  17. AirSuperiority

    Which is why you have never beaten me in a 1v1 and hide behind your flak every time you see me, use lock ons, and the most over powered esf, yet still not come close to beating me?
  18. AirSuperiority

    You should tell them how you had a 12 reaver zerg, which is why we scrapped up not even a 6 man, guess I need to start screenshotting/recording these things.
  19. AirSuperiority

    It is dead, I went on my stock reaver and lived so long that I killed myself. Everytime mossys fly, they fly alone and get picked off by the other esf zergs or just decent pilots going solo. Besides from Red Guard and a few independent folks, we dont have enough to combat the enemy. Its the sad truth, and something needs to be done.

    *Tked Hammerboss and was reported by him :(
  20. AirSuperiority

    If they're so good then why did they invite like 20 people simply for the numbers? Why cant they just fly in groups of 3 or even 2? They are bad pilots, and instead of rivaling prey, they should be asking for their training to make the air a more fun competitive place, not a zerg fest. The day I get a 1v1 with a c150 who can bring me to at least 50 perc health before dying will earn my respect.
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