Consolidated CAMO: SC REFUND?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    So for example, I spent 1500 SC buying separate camo for my gun, my character and my vehicle. That's 500 SC each. Do I now have 1000 SC and the combo camo?

    If not, this is a total rip off.
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  2. MurderBunneh

    :eek: And in the future any camo you buy will be all 3 kinds so..Balanced.

    But seriously bro stop trying to see the negative side of everything.
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  3. Hatesphere

    I'm not sure what SOE plans to do, but I dont see it as that big of a rip off. I mean I paid like $500 for some computer parts last year that now only cost $300, never got a refund for that.
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  4. MurderBunneh

    Right and any camo you have bought that was not all 3 types will be given the other types for free. I only buy armor camo so this is a win for me. Never saw the point of paying 500-1000sc for a little camo to put on your gun. Now I will buy a crapload more camo. The day this goes live I will be buying camo.
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  5. vincent-

    You paid for pixels which have no real world value if soe decided to sun set this game, I should know seeing as I came from swg. The same can also be said about just any $60 game going into the bargain bin for 5-10 dollars later in the future either really fast or really slow.

    You can't cry foul knowing that the economy will do this.
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  6. RoyAwesome

    If you buy 3 CDs but all the songs show up in the greatest hits album months later, does the record store give you a refund?
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  7. Kunavi

    Imagine how I felt, having bought The Secret World's most expensive edition, watching it go F2P in a MONTH. If I get started on this I'll /Rage no end so I'll leave it at that.
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  8. ncDieseL

    When is this happening? Also, will this mean camos effectively go up in price? I.e. 1000SC for a camo "kit" but you can't buy the individual camos.
  9. NinjaTurtle

    From their terms of service

    "SOE may add new Paid Content and/or services for additional fees and charges, or amend fees and charges for existing services and/or Paid Content, at any time and in its sole discretion."

    Did you click yes when downloading the game? You agreed to it already
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  10. S7rudL

    I wonder about those that just recently bought the 3x 1000SC dark digital camo, must be pretty suck for them.

    I own a individual camo for weapon, armor and vehicle.
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  11. kadney

    Will this also affect the single use camo's granted with the WDS rewards?
    Sounds like, if I own 10 Vehicle Camos, I am free to put it either in the vehicle, or the weapon or the armor slot?
    Or how exactly does it work?

    A quick review from the testserver:
    If you picked your starter class, you get one camo (Cells as NC) that can be equipped on every Weapon, every Suit and every Vehicle at the same time! :eek:
    I am only curious how the choice in the poll changes the infantry weapons that you get for free. But seriously, KUDOS SOE! :)
  12. MurderBunneh

    Prices appear to be the same as the single camo prices. So you get 3 for the price of 1. And any camo that you have bought will inherit the sister pieces.

    No one loses here. Please stop inventing reasons to be mad.
  13. Paperlamp

    I only ever bought infantry armor camos.

    So yay.
  14. Shinrah

    I did when they were discounted over the holidays. I´m not angry about it tbh. I had em ever since, they look nice and I got a bunch of other camos where I lack one or two "parts". So I´ll probably be getting some "free" stuff out of it. Also, like others mentioned we paid for the privilege to have those camos ever since, your car doesn´t stay "new" for years either. At one point there will always be something new, a new smartphone thats cheaper than your old one and has better performance by the same company a sale on a product you bought for the full price just weeks before etc. Wasted breath to rage about it.
  15. Gnomemercy

    Camo's(digital goods) don't degrade over time it will always be what it is, unlike your computer parts which will fail at some point and are constantly being updated as new techonlogy advances.
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  16. Torok

    I spent literally hundreds of euros in this game, I think I own around 13-15 unique camos, and mostly all of them for all categories such as vehicles/armor/weapons, I'm very happy with the upcoming camo pricing changes as they were insanely high, I still bought them because I wanted them at the time and will definetly buy more of them now that they are within a "reasonable price".
    I'm also happy that this will get more people to buy more SC.

    Everyone wins.
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  17. Chivalry

    You viewed the purchases as worth the price when you bought them. Future prices can't change that.

    Do you have any camo that is not in a full set?
  18. Hatesphere

    no, digital good will be nothing when the game stops being supported by SOE. I still have a 486 that works. try again I guess?

    SOE decided to change its prices and it really doesn't entitle anyone to a refund, in fact its pretty nice that they are giving people who bought just one piece the other 2.
  19. ncDieseL

    Not mad, just trying to work out if I should by something now, or wait.

    So basically, as long as I don't buy the same camo for armor and infantry, I should be safe to buy? Because if I own the infantry camo, I'm going to get the armor camo anyway, so buying both would be a waste of SC?

    Anyone know when this change will happen? I'm thinking just hold off buying anything until then.
  20. Clay

    Not sure if I should be happy because I get camos I only have in a single tier in all 3 tiers or mad because some camos i really like I purchased 2 or 3 times. Well when I think about it, I have only very few on all 3 so it might be good.