Connery NC Defends Indar Lock for 24 hours

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hibiki54, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Cobalt who?
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  2. HadesR

    Not during Prime time .. Indar pops normally 33/33/33 ... World pops pretty even as well .. VS even had 36% WP for a stage yesterday and were the highest which is weird for Connery :p it's normally TR or NC
  3. MrForz

    I'd have seen it if it actually was the case.
  4. Cidroyz

    Well this only happened because most major outfit platoons of VS was participating in the alert >_> even though ScourgeOftheServer was asking for assistance to attack north to remove NC bonus, ive hopped on some platoons, they were all on Amerish/Esamir, and some are ninjaing TR territory... talk about team work...

    VS.. we cant remove NC bonus if we keep on doing this,.. and those outfit platoons are respectable ones too..
  5. HadesR

    To be fair getting sides to work together isn't easy .. Took NC and TR a couple of attempts to remove the VS bonus .. The first attempt was a bit of a cluster **** :p ... So common theme ? Let's blame TR :p
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  6. Krayus_Korianis

    NC, they back stab.
  7. Leopard

    It was only a matter of time for the NC overpop in off hours to do this, just glad they aren't gloating!
  8. S0LAR15

    Of course it was the case, either you're new, or you just don't pay attention like a typical Cobalt NC. Oh the amount of epic last stands at highlands substation, and the entire NC not having the balls to push in despite outnumbering us 2:1. The TR doing galaxy drops onto the point to try and help. Oh it was epic. Of course it's all denied now, but it was hilarious, there was a thread on it, I should dig it up, had video of the fights and all. That fight was during the recommended server time as well, probably the biggest I've seen on PS2, maybe two thousand players all besieging/or being seiged at highlands substation and camping Ceres. Not even the lattice has reproduced a tri faction fight of that scale since. But that may be due to the recommended server not being us anymore.
  9. deggy

    As a VS on Mattherson, congratulations to you :D Us holding continents doesn't really matter anymore since we have 50%+ population during off-peak...

    Go 'way fourth factioners. I want to actually be able to BRAG about my victories again!

    Excellent work. The game needs to have a way to recognize stuff like this.
  10. MrForz

    Go ahead.
  11. Roxputin

    The strange thing was that the NC capped Indar @ around 03:00 P.M friday. Almost all of the TR and most of the VS were on Esamir for the alert. The stars and planets aligned just right for the NC to get the job done on Indar. I say well played to the NC and enjoy being double teamed until the Indar bonus is broke.
  12. DuckSauce

    Enjoy these threads while they last, before you can cap a continent without capping it and remove a cap without warpgating anyone.

    EasySide 2. :cool:
  13. Amouris

    Forecast calls for heavy showers of Certification points with a chance of 5:1 KDs I will enjoy it thanks :)
  14. Fernator

    You had it for some weeks?


    - Woodman NC

    ( I can do that too o_0)
  15. Sebastien

    Oh look, the dick measuring contest has already begun.
  16. Roxputin

    Skiddily diddily

  17. Danncingdevil

    I remember that was in one of the buildings near the point with a 5 man squad and you made it rain death we got on top of that point as fast as we could after that second pass slowed it down a bit :) thank you for the Air support Oda 1785th
  18. Danncingdevil

    If you aren't friendly fireing your not NC sad but true
  19. Vortok

    He's been VS for weeks. He's pretty easy to spot since he has a fairly unique/uncommonly used camo on his Mag, which is the only thing I ever see him in. I may not be looking up, though. Quick glance at stats show quite a bit of Scythe time as well.

    Grats to the NC. I've seen several of their outfits more or less trying for the lock for weeks. The determination paid off for them. I still blame the VS and TR dinglefritzes that were screwing around on Esamir during the alert while NC had 60% Indar pop. Everyone knows that Indar cap bonus is the only thing we have resembling a metagame, haha. Then again, I think VS got it during an Esamir alert too. Funny how things work out.

    The lock would've probably been gone if rendering wasn't so awful when over 50% of the continent's population is in one base, but from what I understand VS used that to maintain the lock a few times through the entire SW gate rotation so fair's fair I guess.

    Should make for some fun times when TR and VS both decide to heavily push NC at the same time again. Try to keep more than one base next time, NC. ;)
  20. Armored Gorilla

    Its been more than 24 hours. We capped it Friday.
    I've also noted less "OMG NC CONNERY BAD" Threads after the cap.

    But there is a big change coming that will make it so you only need 75% of a cont to cap it. You will lose a Continent lock if you have less then 15%. Work in progress of course.