Congratz TR on Stealth Helios Indar Cap

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Domonvoi, May 9, 2013.

  1. Domonvoi

    Nice job with the ninja during the Amerish Alert.....

    And this was literally measured in seconds (3 or less) to the point I didn't know and for a bit the system didn't even know if you got it or not
  2. Flashtirade

    And NC gets them during the dead hours using the China-zergs.
    Capping Indar isn't really a big deal anymore.
  3. TheWhiteDragon

    It was hilarious watching all the Vanu come back from Amerish and realize what happened. They tried so hard to take back Ceres Biotech, but we were able to hold them off long enough to make the cap. The best part was when we were able to take back the point to give us the extra 30 seconds despite a platoon of Magriders outside.

    First time it's been done on Helios during prime time. TR doesn't need the dead of night, we have tactical superiority.
  4. WalrusJones

    This is the first indar cap I have been awake for.

    It was pretty funny, in the last minute, the platoon I was with came in with galaxies and started ramming enemy aircraft out of the sky.
  5. Wintermaulz

    First TR indar cap on heliosdine. Gj fellow TR. To bad NC is gonna cap it again at 3 AM.
  6. WalrusJones

    Fullstocked on infantry items like C4, and grenades.

    Tell them to go ahead, its not like they have ever done it during primetime.
  7. Jrv

    I don't understand why this is considered an accomplishment, regardless of which faction gets the cap. It's only possible in the current system with a huge population advantage and tons of ghost capping. A real sense of accomplishment is found in going against the odds.
  8. Bill Hicks

    TR and VS colluding again. Just proves that the 4th faction never went NC they just bounce around TR and VS. Notice how the TR pop came back up when they got the top indar warpgate?
  9. WalrusJones


    Seriously, get with the times.
    • Up x 1
  10. Reskan

    I got a Reaver kill with from the debris from my exploded Galaxy after it collided into the NC warpgate during our celebration. Happy Armistice Day.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I must hoard supplies while Indar is still ours.
  11. Wintermaulz

    well, when NC have held the cap for so long, eventually the rest of us are gonna come together to take down a common enemy. You should have seen this comming a long time ago.
  12. Fallout10mm

    VS were fighting us just as much as the NC were, infact I ran into a vanu max squad right outside the NC warpgate targeting TR air specifically.
  13. vaxx

    LOL. The night I play my VS on Waterson and I miss this.


    Gratz TR, well played.
  15. Llaf

    Freakin' this, been playing my NC on Connery lately trying to cert out my scatmax.