Congratulations VS Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RF404, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Hagestol

    And here I was hoping you'd carry our burdens for a few more days ;)
  2. Xasapis

    Yea, I remembered cowabunga. Anyway, I just commented because I found it weird to say both that "we don't care about the lock" and "we will recap it tonight" at the same time. People generally don't change their lives schedules for something they don't care about.
  3. GSZenith

    having to qoute myself feels odd.
    well most ppl don't care about cont lock, they only care about unlock stuff, ofc some come for the awesome lag with 1k player in 1hex. :eek:
    dude catch up, making fun of TRAM is well fun.

    quoting myself below
    it was sarcasm. -_- i've no idea if TRAM gonna do another 3am capping.
  4. Bankrotas

    Well that sarcasm was weak and also having a TR toon on Miller really doesn't help to express it actually, add also female (?) TR avatar and that's that.
  5. JOups

    As long Indar stays neutral till Lattice I think the whole stuff is fine.
    But as always, I love the fights that happen if TR hold Indar. Most Epic battles. For every inche, for every smaller hill. Huge Tankbattles. I just Love to fly over such warzones from time to time and watch the "beauty" of explosions, shoots, tankshells. But sadly this moment wont last long because you are shoot down very quick.
    The walking behind a peak, seeing tankshells and stuff going over your head all the frontlines up and down. SO damn epic!

    Thats the Planetside people might expect. Thewy just have to fix this lag and render Issues and this could be very great.

    I hope some day NC might Cap Indar so they can get the feeling of defending it like VS and TR got saveral times
  6. YamiNoTenshi

    I say we let the NC cap Indar before the lattice so they get to experience the awesomeness that is the defence of spec ops :)
  7. huller

    did we lose it? damn, I was off playing planetside 1.

    Doesn't matter, had planetside 1
  8. huller

    fun times, screw cover, screw aiming, INTO THE MEATGRINDER BOYS!
  9. GSZenith

    4th factioner all the way. tr avtar just happened to looks less stupid.
  10. Bankrotas

    Ye, TR at least get LA with Composite, I want my NC LA avatar with composite helmet.
  11. YamiNoTenshi





  12. huller

    RIP server hamster.
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  13. Justicia

    I agree with this. Let's start our new VS/TR operations todays:

    Indar for the NC!
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  14. YamiNoTenshi

    He died as he lived, slowly.
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  15. Being@RT

    Won't fixing the issues cause these battles to end far quicker though, probably resulting in less people finding their way to the battle in the first place?

    edit: :eek:
  16. YamiNoTenshi

    Yes! The joint VS/TR operation to stay off Indar and fight for Amerish instead!
  17. Xasapis

    Well, the problem is that NC have an aversion for Indar when in the SE corner. Bad childhood memories and all that.
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  18. YamiNoTenshi

    They managed to cap Indar from that corner in the early days, can't remember how long they held it tho, even the TR capped Indar from that corner during the first night cap :)
  19. Nonorf

    Well next GU is tomorrow, maybe we'll have a WG rotation ?
  20. bestan

    yeah like 3 weeks after the last one :rolleyes:

    I bet it will come for the GU10 or 11.