Congratulations on Dying! You're doing real Good!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShortRovnd, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Kamikaize

    I'm not a fan of it for other reasons as well.

    First, right when you die, the camera does a funky fast zoom out thing which feels uncomfortable to watch. It doesn't feel smooth/natural like it did before.

    Second, why do I have to keep clicking a button to get back to the redeploy screen now? This may be a minor annoyance, but any annoyance should be relayed imo. Would it be possible to add something so that it automatically moves forward, skipping the death info, and getting to the deploy map ASAP without having to spam say spacebar?

    Other than the minimap feature, I'm okay with the other things that were added. I personally don't care about seeing my breakdowns for that round/session, but others may so it's whatever.
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  2. DeadlyPeanutt

    it should be an option... and if you could select the info on the screen, that would be cool.
  3. Trudriban

    only thing I can complain about is how fast everything goes from dead to kill screen and the "baddie is over here" marker, though I don't pay attention to that most of the time. Medal progression, xp graph, and all that crap gives me a goal to reach and possibly even a record to beat if they did a comparison between lives. For the minimap thing though, they could at least remove the killer location thinger entirely if the dude is using a supressor. It's what I would do if I was in charge as well as giving me pink versions of everything and a panty hat head cosmetic
  4. Fox234

    I like the death screen. People at just whining and making mountains out of molehills. The new screen doesn't tell anyone anything more than you could figure out before by the map and damage indicators.
  5. Kunavi

    Thank you DeathScreen! I did enjoy that, I did not play in GodMode so it happens! This XP was given before, but now you make it sound more important and I like that, I feel that in the way you present it, I can tell what and how I did to earn it and so on. And I can tell which weapon to use if I'm after Auraxiums, which also gives me alternatives to consider in case I got tunnel vision on one weapon. I'd like you to use wider cones to give away directions of opponents who weren't Spotted, not show them at all if they used Suppressor and weren't Spotted and never use straight lines, just narrower cones. But even as it is, it's fine and never really helped me. I won't go back because I have more important tasks but thanks for letting me know. They could be cheating. I did not come from COD, won't go there either and I will stay for as long as there is a glimpse of SOE working on PS2's main issues such as population and Zergs. One last thing, do a favour to all those whiners and be optional on the next GU? Thanks again.

    See what I did there? Probably you only see what you want so consider it a rhetorical question.
  6. ZephyrBurst

  7. AFK1

    The cardinal flaw in modern video games is that developers strive to create mechanics that pander to people that suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

    Looking at your dead body is "boring", and punishing mechanics are "boring", so apparently we need additions that give you a bunch of worthless information already present in game to flash up when you die., and a system that rewards you for dying. This certainly isn't the only game to reward bad performance, nor is this the only thing that rewards players for being bad in Planetside 2

    I've never considered snipers to be a serious threat in this game, and I'm not sure what the purpose of giving players an indication of where their killer is, when 90% of the time it's going to lead straight to a pack of MAX suits, tanks, etc., that are going to just kill the same lone wolf players again and again, if they go looking for revenge. If the idea was to help new players, SOE should have just made a better effort to explain the function of outfits/platoons/squads; because traveling in a pack of 40+ is how you survive in this game, not going off on an adventure to find some random sniper who's going to be invisible anyway, or run headlong into 15 MAX suits by yourself

    But again, teamwork is "boring", so instead we need lots of flashing lights, redundant information, more flashing lights, loud noises, etc
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  8. Longasc

    Maybe they should go all the way and allow us to write short, hateful poems on the pinboard of the guy who killed us or sth like that...

    I find this screen total fail, too much focus on medals, ribbons and fluff and fostering gameplay and thinking not fitting to this game.
  9. Phazaar

    Sick of it. Uninstalled for a while in the hopes that it's gone when I reinstall.

    Why is it every game has to pander to people who will either wreck the community, insist on game breaking changes, or worse (as with this change) never actually materialise and support the game?

    I just really want a skill based PvP MMO that ISN'T about catering to the lowest common denominator...
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  10. NinjaTurtle

    To be fair more stuff is going to be added over time when new systems get put into the game, directives and the mission system for example.

    This is just the first iteration
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  11. Camycamera

    i very much like the death screen it is slick, and i love the information of how much XP you got, and how much to your next medal.

    the "kill map" thingy isn't that bad at all, and hell, i found that i got killed mostly by guys who haven't been spotted, and it only showed their general direction anyway, which i knew anyway for the most part. also, spotted enemies that kill you are enemies you already knew they were there in the first place anyway, so the kill map doesn't really detract from the experience at all.

    and how, people are ******* overreacting. "durr, dis is ruined mah gaem, i unisntall".

    like i said above, it is not ******* bad! and i can guarantee you ,you'll be back.

    god damnit, this reminds me of the time people were whining about lattice.....
  12. Lazaruz

    The death screen is too flashy for my taste, but I guess that's what players want these days. I do wish I could customize the info I'm given. I'm especially curious why the session stats are there, since I can see those on the score screen anytime I want, I don't need to see them after each death. Individual life stats would seem more appropriate and interesting... Also, it would be handy to be able to skip the death screen with a mouse button. But then again I'm just a lowly community member, I'm sure the devs know what they are doing.
  13. Cinnamon

    New death screen makes me feel worse about dying. Like somehow a single death is more important now and I need a lot of encouragement to keep on playing because I'm so bad.
  14. tastyBerryPunch

    Great post. Hitting the nail right on the head. Proper spelling of the word "dying". Good humor. 10/10 would read and "like" again
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  15. JudgeDeath

    I think there aint nothing really wrong with the new screen. Better then expected.

    Doesent even really give you anything new, you could see the direction indicator before too, this time its just on the map itself.

    Just add that mouseclick allso makes it disappear so you dont have to use keyboard only.
  16. UberBonisseur

    This thread gave me endorphins.
  17. IamDH

    I dont care how much XP i got or how long to my next medal.
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  18. AltF4Fun

    I dont really have a problem with the killcam.My problem is simply that theyre not following their roadmap votums and do not listen to the forum.It was clearly downvoted and it got introduced anyway.So why are we voting there and try to post feedback if they do the opposite anyway.A lot of other people including me still have performance problems.I can barely play it right now.So why not work on old problems or things people actually voted for on the roadmap.
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  19. Koldorn

    I believe what you are looking for sir, is either the ARMA series or Red Orchestra.
    Give them a look; Red Orchestra especially is quite a different experience. It's much harsher then PS2, but might be just what you are looking for.
  20. Phazaar

    I'm not looking to beat myself over the head with realism or instakills. I just don't believe in self-flagellation.

    Competition doesn't require realism in any way shape or form...

    I do enjoy ARMA, but it's definitely not something I can play for more than a few hours in a month. I also said 'MMO.' Nothing fun about meaningless round-based combat :)