Concerns over the Role of Vehicles with the New Mission System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WyrdHarper, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. WyrdHarper

    So in one of the discussions about the new mission system, I had this exchange with Malorn:

    While it goes over a number of problems I have with it personally, one of the ones which most concerns me is the attitude the devs have towards vehicles with this system. It seems like they basically think of vehicles as people who sit back and farm, which with all due respect some people do. However, the current implementation of the mission system actually encourages that, while not rewarding aircraft/armor engaging other vehicles away from spawn rooms or intercepting AMS' and galaxies.

    As a combined arms player, it makes me a little bit nervous that this is the dev attitude towards 2/3 of the game. If the mission system is going to be an integral part of the game, it has to include every part, and not just infantry. My suggestions on how vehicles could be better implemented into the mission system are described there, but I'd like to see what other people can come up with.
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  2. Flag

    So one year down the line, they still don't -really- know why GU2 was a disaster.

    Woop-di-doo, I'm looking forward to the april balance patch.

    ... not.

    For suggestions, mine is "drop the missions", and add the resource overhaul instead.

    I guess I could elaborate into something a bit more specific.
    Say, bio labs. They get captured by one empire, and they hole up in it. And today, they can in theory hold on forever, even if cut off from their WG.
    Which is a garbage situation, for a multitude of reasons.
    How about adding a mission where instead of -taking- the bio lab, you get one to neutralize it (cut off from WG, drain it, make it go neutral)? And honestly, doing that without good vehicle use is really hard/close to impossible. Something akin to what I've been told would happen to cut-off bases in PS1 (never played it).

    It's an idea. And it's certainly better for vehicles than having to leave them outside to slug through a meat-grinder inside.
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  3. Merli0n

    Agreed, I hate it how an empire can just stick themselves in a facility unconnected - your suggestions would at least make the lattice more meaningful than just the tech plant link ability to pull tanks. And with this mechanic in place would really add to the missions system, and put more emphasis on holding and attacking a spread of territory - breaking up zergs on all sides.

    As for vehicle missions - something along the lines of - "pull tanks from x base and attack enemy tanks at y base" - bonus exp for enemy tanks destroyed. or Air superiority missions - bonus exp for aircraft kills for a certain period of time / area.

    I'm hopeful for the expanded mission system - even in it's basic bug filled state.

    Still doesn't fix my most hated part of the game - Indarside.
  4. JackD

    I think you expect to muich from the mission system. It mostly is a help for new players or those that dont look at the map
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  5. theamateurassassin

    You have to remember though that this is missions part one, or as I like to call it "missions absolutely useless beta" hopefully in the near future there will be better missions. Hopefully they don't get pushed back like Hossin or my personal favorite the LA update that will never come out.