Concerned with the state of the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by trippletea, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. trippletea

    I'm going to try and not be to harsh here toward all parties intended. But i'm a tiny bit concerned. I feel like the double experience/cert thing was directed toward the lower populated servers. The 3xCert thing for the 21st was nice and all. But srsly SOE I don't want to really sugar coat this. But since Higby left on vacation has the Dev's acually been still hard at work. And with Luperza/purrfectstom just gone on holiday's. I feel in a tiny part of my mind. that this game is sliding down hill real fast now. I'm trying not to be to cynical here. Just I've seen alot of recent titles, titles I really hoped would stay afloat and ones I really liked go under real quick. One cause the fanboy, troll, internet scumbag drove ppl away or w/e. And two...and i'm not going to point fingers at anyone here. The companies that made some of these titles pretty much took the money and ran. But cause I've talked to Mr. T-Ray in some twitch streams. And i'm a long time watcher/listener of Totalbiscuit. I'm holding out and trying to retain a small amount of hope that this game will survive. I think it may just be that one of the things i'm worrying bout is just all the naysayers, trolls, ppl that are way to critical about the game are just getting to me finally. But carrying on SOE I hope your game survives....and i'll try my best to remain an avid fan and somewhat of a decent player. God Speed.